chapter 7

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August POV
So I was looking for lanay I know she was hiding in the room so I decided to go outside the door and wait for her to come out from where she was I seen her walk out the closet I was thinking she was not here I did not see here. I seen her take off the robe and let it drop to ground so I bust threw the door and tackle her to the bed.
Her can u get off me she said well laughing
Me no
Her I need to get dress
Me where r u going
Her y
Me if u tell me I will get up
Her to my office
Me y
Her I forgot some important papers there
Me ohk u can go like this
Her r u out of our rabbit ass mind
Me yup
Her can I get dress plz
Me OK can u tell me where u was hiding
Her no
Me then I am not getting up
Her cuz I don't want to tell
She was interrupt by someone knocking on the door
Me r u expecting anyone
Her no..can u go see who it is well I get dress plz
Me can I have a kiss
Her no cuz I gave u kiss then u gonna start sucking on my neck then I am going to want more
So I got up to go see who is knocking at the damn door. When I got there it was this light skin nigga stand there with flowers in his hand
Me can I help u
Him yea y u in my girl house
Me first off this is my girl house
Him well we will see about that when she get down here
Lanay baby who is at the door she said it well she was walking down the stairs
Me some nigga with flowers in his hand

Lanay POV
After I get done getting dress I we t to go see who is at the door. When I get down there it is my ex boyfriend Timothy standing there with flowers. I walk beside august and was like

Me what do u want Timothy

Tim u

August she mines now

Me I dont want you

Tim so who is going to be me or him
They both looked at me

Me Tim get this threw our head I don't want u had 2 chances u messed up both of them I am happy with him ( she was pointing at me) now can u leave me alone and let me live my life with out u

Tim really how u just gonna pick him over me

Me becuz u ain't shit tht y

August can u now she just said tht she don't want u

Tim nigga u shut the fuck up

Me ok baby before u beat his ass go sit down on the couch and let me handle it

August OK

Tim yea listen to ur girl

I turn and back hand him
Me OK I don't want u get somewhere cuz he not going nowhere OK

Tim but u love me

Me at a point in time I did love u but now the love is gone bye bye now
Tim lanay plz hear me out
Before he can say anymore I close the door on him I walk over to august he still look mad so I straddle him and kept on pecking his lips
Me r...u....still....mad

Him a little
Me y

Him becuz u never told me about ur ex

Me cuz u never ask tht y

Him u still could of told me

Me so u mad cuz I did not tell u about my ex but u wait to tell me u was a drug lord

Him but u said u knew

Me u still could've told me tho

Him if he did not come to the door would have told me about him

Me if u ask me about it yea

Him y do I have to ask

Me u r getting on nerves like u want me to tell u my all life

Him hell yea
I got up from up from his lap and walk up stairs to my room and laid down. I thinking did I rush into this relationship. As I was laying there thinking until august had walk in here I look at him then back at the ceiling.

August POV

After lanay up off my lap. I sat there for about 5 minutes I went to go check up on her. When I walk into her room she seen me then look back at the ceiling I sigh then took off my shoes and laid next to her and I just laid there and look at her
Me baby

Her wat she said it with an attitude

Me r u mad at me

Her hell yea

Me y

Her becuz u mad at me for not telling u about a chapter in my life tht I did not want to open up if you would've ask me I told u

Me Ik baby but u just got to understand that I was not thinking

Her yea OK

Me baby plz don't be mad at me I just don't want to lose u tht all

Her u r not going to lose me OK

She turn and face me I lean in and kiss me she had climb. I told her stop just to make sure she is ready.
Me baby wait

Her what she sat up

Me r u ready

Her I honestly don't know I just don't wan to get hurt in the end

Me I respect that

Her so u just want watch a movie and cuddle

Me yea

Her what we watching

Me a scary movie

Her u must be spend a night or two maybe three

Me no I am not

Her well we not watching a scary movie

Me OK I will stay

Her OK go home and go get some clothes

Me yes mama

Her boy bye
She got up off me I went to go put on my shoes. I kiss her and grabbed keys and went to my house.

Lanay POV

I started to clean a little and get some snacks ready. I pulled out some chips popcorn candy and soda. I went to my closet got a blanket and I went to my bedroom and got a pillow. Since he was taking to long I decided to take nap.

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