chapters 8

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August POV

As I was packing some clothes I heard someone knock on the door. I walk downstairs when I open the door I seen my ex jasmine standing there.

Me what are you doing here

Jasmine I am here to see my man

Me I am not your man

Jasmine stop acting like u don't like this

Me I don't I been replace you

Jasmine can't nobody take my place

Me yea OK keep thinking that

Jasmine my door will if your hoe ain't do it right

Me she is not like u
With that being said I slammed the door in her face. I went back upstairs and grabbed my bag and left. I pulled up to her condo start knocking on the door. When she open the door she look like she just woke up.

Lanay POV

I was taking a nap I woke up to someone knocking I got up and open the door door I was rubbing my eyes so I can get the crust out my eye. Once I got the crust I see august standing there.

August someone took a nap

Me someone was taking to long
I said as I was letting him in

August my bad baby I had an unexpected guest

Me who

August my ex

Me wtf is return of ex's or something
August busted out in laughing.I told him to go put his stuff in my room well I get the movie ready.
After he got done putting his clothes away he came downstairs and we cuddle and watched the movie.

August POV

I am the couch cuddling with my baby girl. Every now and then she would scream I just laugh at her. Like the movie ain't even that scary.

Me baby the movie is not even tht scary

Lanay yes it is

Me I go back home tonight

Lanay OK I coming with u

Me y

Lanay I don't want to stay here by myself after I watch a scary

Me y

Lanay because what if something happen to me then what u gonna

Me baby how u gonna be a thug and scared

Lanay but u r scared of ur mom

Me tht different

Lanay yea OK r u going to stay here or leave

Me I'm stay here

Lanay ok

I got up and went to the bathroom. When I came back lanay was sleep. She is cute when she sleep. I pick her up and took her to her room, I laid her down I took her shoes her short and shirt. I pull back the covers and went to go clean up a lil bit. Since I was not tired u decided to just lay in the bed and watch TV. Soon after I fell asleep.

In the morning

Lanay POV

I woke up I look to on the other side of the bed and see august sleeping. He is so cute when he sleep. I got up and put on some basketball shorts and some long black socks and went downstairs to cook. I took out some bacon pancake mix chocolate chips so it can go in the pancakes I also took some hash brown. As I was cooking I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I look up to see it was August he still look tired.

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