Chapter 3 This dedication goes to DarkPan :)

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Anna P.O.V.

I went to school and finally Dan come. Whe had history class,it was boring . We were siting together because  teacher sad so.I told him that somebody putted  a rose at my door,he had a smile on his face:" So did you like it"? , " Well,hmm,i did idk who puted there but it was romantic",he smiled," and then in the morrning,some guy comes,and tells me about some Daniel,that i should stay away from him,i was like WTF"? , his smile was gone ,:" You have a serious  face ,why?" There was the bell  .He just walked away. Strange.And the rest of the day i didn't saw him.I have to finish my story , tomorrow is the competition .I went home,made a sandwich  and went upstairs .I turned on my laptop.I start to write .And then my phone ringed .

Ahh , no callers ID :"Hello,who is it"? , " I tough i was clear  , i told you to stay away from Daniel,you bitch","Who is this,is this the guy who stoped me in the morrning.Fuck off idiot,psciho . Fuck you." I just closed my phone and turned it off. Aghh . I have to write . Aghh. It's 1:00 pm.Finaly my story is finished. Aghh. Just have to put it on USB and everything is going to be alright. I saved it and go to look for an USB. In no reason i went on the window . There were two rosses and a note,i took it and read:" In every day i more and more like you,my rose". The secret admirer . . Oh thank good i find the USB. There was a one photo on it. Me and Ben as kids. I started to cry . I want those old days. I saved the story and went to bed. Again the dream. Wonder what will happen  now. I was in some room with a king size bed. So soft and worm. I stood up. It was dark.I was walking and i broke something.A glass. I wanted to pick up the glass,but I cuted my self.It started to bleed. Somebody opened the door so quick. It was Daniel. He was staring in to the blood:" Clean that blood,please "."Why"? ," NOW "? .I clean  it up and he come down:"  i forgot that you are a vampire". He was playing with my hair :" I told you to clean it up because i don't wanna hurt you" , "You can suck my blood ,why don't you do that"? , "Because i love you." We were kissing ,our tongues  were playing, splitting  I tough:" He is a damn good kisser","Thank you" he said," you forgot  that i can read minds" . We smilled. I went to sleep.When i woke up on the bed was a rose and a note witch sad:" I love you,my rosse". My rose,my rose,that sounds familiar. I woke up.The secret admirer is Daniel,and

Daniel is actually Dan.It can't be. Omg , i took the note and I reminded how was it written in the dream. The same manuscript. God, it's 6 am. No more sleeping for me . Im going into the shower  . Ahh hot water so god. I had a shower and started to get ready for school . I first pack the USB.Ben entered into my room:" Do you ever knock"." Oh sorry sis,so wazzup,hoho,were does  these  roses  come  from: " In every day i more and more like you ,my rose,wahahha" He was laughing, i kicked  him in the .... :" Auuuch,that hurts ". " Wahhaha, you want to mess with me , now scram i want to get ready look is 7:20 ." I kicked him out. And got ready  for school . Dan again didn't show up . But what to do,i have a competition  to win. It was math class. And the teacher mentioned  the competition ,Ashley looked  at me and i read from her lipss:"Good luck " , " Thanks , you too. " She smiled   . Finally  competition was here. I was so nervous . An' huged me:" What hapens here , we will still be BFF. " ,"Offcourse ". We weren't reading the story's ,just submitted our story and we could go home. There were lot of kids,this could thake a wille. It was my turn.Aghh . I said my name and surname , gave my story and finally i was free. It was dark. I had to go trough  the alley  . I was walking and suddenly  somebody kicked  me and i fell  down...

Picture of Daniel's brother Michael ------------------>

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