Character Info

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Hello! This is a new story that I have started, and here is the character info. I(hopefully) will have quite a few ideas for this story, 'cause Kuroko no Basuke is one of my favorite fandoms. Anyways, enjoy!


Name: Kagami Kasai (Kasai mean 'Fire' in Japanese)

Nickname: Lion

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Birthday: August 2nd (I think that's Kagami's birthday)

Personality: She is tsundere, meaning that she is really bad at expressing her feelings or showing anything too intimate (So basically Midorima). But once they get to know her, she is very kind and very much like Kagami. She is very sarcastic and funny, and loves to tease Kagami.

Likes: Kagami, sweets, sports (Specifically basket ball and martial arts), weapons, training, pranks, teasing Kagami, cooking, baking, music, and singing. 

Dislikes: Being woken up, being told off for doing NOTHING WRONG, being compared to other people, girly stuff (Like high heels [high hells], or make-up. Dresses, if they are the right color and pattern, she likes), annoying people, perverts, and not getting her way.

Fears: None that I'm willing to tell you... yet...

Abilities that most people don't have: Photographic memory, able to go into the zone by forcing herself, super smarts, and the emperor eye (not that anyone knows she has that).

Best classes: All of them, but she loves P.E., History (or Social Studies), and English (or Language Arts)

Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Kagami

Siblings: Kagami Taiga (calls him Tiger) (Twin brother), and Himuro Tatsuya (like a brother)

Body Type/ looks: Body type is like a model. Long fiery orange hair contrasting into a sun yellow at the ends. Wears and eye patch over her left eye so that no one knows she has an emperor eye. Her showing eye looks like her hair.

Blood type: AB

Accessories: She always carries around a bag that is so vast that it magically is like a storage room. She always wears that eye patch, unless she needs it during a game and is in the zone. Wears a white and orange wrist band on both hands, and they have weights in them. 

Hair style: Usually up in a high ponytail, but if she wants, she lets it down.

Quote: "Basketball doesn't build character, it reveals it."-Unknown

"They say that nobody is perfect.Then they tell you that practice makes perfect. I wish they'd make up their minds."-Wilt Chamberlain

Theme song: Irresistible by Fall Out Boy (Nightcore version)

Favorite color: White, orange, black, and turquoise

Favorite season: Fall/winter

Favorite Holiday: April fools or Halloween

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