Chapter 2- A Game Between Lion and Tiger

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"EHHHHHH?!" The loud yells of the Seirin basketball team resonated throughout the momentarily silent gym.

I giggled silently and climbed onto Tiger's back. I ruffled his red hair, and looked once again out at the team in front of me.

"Hello! I'm Kagami's sister, Kagami Kasai, and I'll be attending Seirin tomorrow!" I exclaimed, waving my hands in the air, "And what are you're names?"

They got over their initial shock and stated their names (Except Mitobe, but I know sign language from when I was... traveling. You don't get to know what I was doing yet!), and that left two members that haven't told me their names. The coach, and the blue haired player.

"My name is Riko Aida." I smiled when she introduced herself. 

"You look like a nice coach." I said to her, giving her my signature thumbs up.

"What about you?" I said, pointing to the blue haired boy.

The gym was silent for a second (again), and everyone gave me a weird look. I raised a brow at their behavior, but quickly turned my attention back to the bluenette. 

"So...?" I pried, leaning closer towards his direction.

"Kuroko Tetsuya." Kuroko deadpanned.

Everyone shouted in surprise and started questioning how long Kuroko's been there, but I looked deep in thought.

"Kuroko... Kuroko... Kuro- Ne, Kuroko-kun?" I said, gaining said boy's attention, "Do you have a little sister named Higumo (Ice cloud in Japanese)?" 

He nodded, his sky blue hair slightly swaying downwards. This made me giggle lightly.

'It makes so much sense now. Maybe I should tell him and Tiger that I'm sharing a house with her, and that she's also attending school here tomorrow...? 




Nah, they'll figure it out sooner or later.'

"Kasai." Kagami stated, "I haven't seen you in a while, so I want to see how much your skills have improved."

I tilted my head to the side again before fully grasping the meaning of his words.

"So you wanna play a one-on-one against me? Okay! Only 'cause I want to see how much you have improved Tiger."

He sighed but nodded (I almost typed noodled here xD), and went to grab a basketball.

In this time, I went to the girls locker room and changed. I put on some white and orange soccer shorts, and I decided on a black t-shirt.

Damn... I hope that this goes well. I really want to see how much Tiger's improved.

With that in mind, I walked out of the locker rooms. I noticed that Tiger passed a basketball to the coach, and went to the center with facing me.

"Alright. First to twenty points wins. After ten minutes we will have a two minute break. Fouls count, and we won't do any free throws to save time. Begin!" And with that, she begun the tip off.

(A/N: I am horrible at writing scenes like this, so bare with me plz)

We both jumped up to get to the ball first, and I won the tip off. I dribbled the ball to Tiger's side of the court. He was screening me and anticipated me to stop running and consider my choices, but I surprised him by still running forward, having already planned out my moves. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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