Chapter 1- Coming Home

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I sighed happily as I looked around at the scenery. Finally, I'm home. 

I'm coming soon Nii-san, soon. Just wait for me.


Click, clack, click, clack.

The sound of my shoes resonated throughout the empty hallways of Seirin high. It was currently after-school time, and I was headed for one place. The gym.

It was actually a really pretty school, and I know that I'm going to enjoy my time here. 

'Now,' I thought, 'Where is the- oh. Found it!'

I silently looked up at the double doors, and pulled my favorite white and orange hoodie over my head. A smirk graced my features as I stared at the door a little longer, listening to the squeaks of the basket ball shoes and the swishing of the net from the other side of the door. 

'I hope you're ready Nii-san.'

~POV change, Kagami's POV~

I breathed heavily as I barely finished the hell-ish training coach had put us through. We had just finished, and won, the Winter Cup. And yet, she still insists that we train.

"Hmmm..." I hummed. I'm pretty sure that I'm forgetting something important...

Meh, it's probably nothing.

"Kagami! Keep playing!" The voice of coach snapped me out of my thoughts.


I went back to shooting baskets and catching Kuroko's crazy passes. I jumped slightly when I heard a bark behind me. 

"AHHHH!" I screamed, running away from the demon that Kuroko owns. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, so I ran through the open doors of the gym and bumped into someone.

I looked down as their hood fell off, and my eyes widened in recognition.


~Kasai's POV~

"L-lion?" A voice called out.

I snapped my head up and smiled at the red head that had bumped into me. I grabbed his outstretched hand, and let him pull me up to my feet. 

"Tiger-Nii-san!" I yelled, glomping the unsuspecting red head.

Yes. This was Kagami Taiga, my older twin brother.

N-not that he's that much older! Only by 2 minutes and 3 seconds! Hmph.

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