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"Beep beep beep" ugh Monday. I reached over and slammed my hand down on my shitty old alarm clock until it shut the hell up.

Ahhh silence. I began to close my eyes again, slowly drifting off. That is until my annoying ass brother called my name. He cracked open the door letting the hall lights stream in.

"Liiiivvvviiiaaaaaaa, you have school. Get up." I shook my head and covered my head with the purple duvet on my bed.

"Go away Josh. I'm not going." I replied. I was going to school unfortunately, I just wanted him to let me sleep a bit more. I heard him chuckle slightly and looked up to see him duck into my room. He smiled at me.

"Nice hair Germ." Josh said ruffling my bed head. I groaned at the childhood nickname. Josh chuckled once more before pouncing on me, tickling my sides and making me scream in protest.

"J-J-Joooshhhhh... S-s-stoop itttt I'm up!!!" I squeaked between giggles.

"Fine Germ. Go get ready." He said smiling at me and planting a brotherly kiss on my forehead, "you are late so I'll drive you. With that he walked out, leaving me to get dressed and ready for hell.

I am turning 16 years old in a few days and my brother Josh is 19. We live alone due to an accident that occurred a few years ago.

We had been living with my aunt and uncle, until they died two years ago in a drunk driving accident. My uncle was drunk and they killed another man... It still hurt, but we were used to pain. Our parents were killed in a bombing at the school they both taught at about 8 years ago.

So it was just me and my big brother. We were super close and I loved him to death. I was scared though, he wants to move in with his band soon, or so he told me. Does that mean me too? Or will he leave me behind for them? Frustrated with my thoughts I shoved them away and focused on the moment. What to wear...

Running downstairs I almost collided with Josh, who handed me a portable mug thingy with a smoothie in it. Mmm.

"Thanks Josh!" I beamed, he only grinned back at me, motioning with his head to get to the car before I was late.

The second he turned the car on, loud music spewed from the old red Chevys stereo. Nirvana, I smiled and looked at my brother who was staring back at me with a cheesy grin. Instantly we both began singing, all the way to the school parking lot jamming to 'Smells Like Teen Spirit.'

After Josh dropped me off I watched him drive away. Sighing I strutted into the school all the way to my locker. I was almost crushed when I arrived by my friend Jordan in a hug.




"Hey." We began laughing hysterically at our antics. Jordan and I had been friends since last year, grade 9. We had three periods together, out of four. I made him hold my bag as I emptied my lunch and unwanted binders into my locker, zipping up and taking his arm and walking up the stairs to the second floor.

"Hey babe." I turned my head to see a smiling Colby. I smiled back,

"Hey." He gave me a hug and kiss on my lips. His were soft and warm on mine, he pulled away too soon. The bell rang and class started.

Colby ^

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Colby ^

Jordan ^

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Jordan ^

hey so I am Jay, any feedback would be great. Thank you for reading!! Let me know if you want another chapter
- jay 🦄🔥

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