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      A loud annoying bell signalled that it was the end of the school day. With a dramatic sigh I hopped up from my seat in the back of the room.

I had a pretty good school reputation I guess. Jordan and Colby were both pretty popular. I wasn't, and there were a few people who did not like me. I was fine with that.

I was surprised because as I walked to my locker, I didn't see Jordy or Colby, but Stephen, my ex.

He was a year older and didn't look happy.

"Stephen, what are you doing?" I asked with an edge in my voice as he was standing in my way to get into my locker.

"Waiting for your slow ass."

"What?" I shoved away from my locker and quickly twisted in the code. Keeping my head down as I gathered my things.

"We are going to my house, Olivia." I shook my head and denied him.

He got angry and slammed my locker closed, on my hand.

I yelled out in pain,

"You're a little slut you know that!?" I bit my lip as tears streamed down my face.

"Suck it up princess," he said before he slapped me with a loud 'crack' on my cheek. I heard someone enter the barren hallway, I hid behind my hair and held my cheek.

"What's going on!?" A deep voice questioned.

"Nothing. Nothing at all," I peeked up to see Stephen leaving the building. Sighing in relief I ran into Jordan's out stretched arms for a hug.



"Did he hit you?" I sobbed a little and nodded into his chest. Sighing e pushed me away, examining my face.

"It will bruise." He spoke sadly,
"We need to talk to Josh, this is going too far O."

I frantically looked up into his dark eyes, shaking my head furiously.

"No Jordy please. Please you can't!" I began crying again.

After being shushed and comforted, Jordan called Colby and let him know what happened, he was angry, I could only imagine Josh's reaction. A reaction I didn't want to see.

I was walked home by my friend, we walked up the porch and I glanced at him for a reassuring smile. I got it and smiled back, twisting my key and pushing through the front door.

Josh was in the kitchen on his phone. Probably Twitter.

"Hey Livvy. Jordan how're you doing?" He said looking up briefly, shutting his phone off and standing.

When he didn't get an answer, is grin turned to a frown.

"What's going on?" Jordan cleared his throat,

"It's Stephen, he had been trying to get Olivia back. Though today it escalated." Josh itches the back of his neck and used his other hand to encourage Jordan to continue.

"He hit her."

"WHAT?!" Josh slammed his hand down on the granite countertop, maki g me flinch away. I have never seen Josh so angry.

He clenched his teeth and angrily stated,
"I'm going to kill him." The rage in his eyes grew until he looked at my teary face. His features softened and he bent down a bit with open arms.

I ran to him crying, jumping into his arms. I wrapped my short legs around his waist and hugged his neck with my arms.

Almost ten minutes later my tears slowed to sniffles and Josh's shirt was soaked. Jordan was gone and Josh whispered and cooed to my to calm down. I squeezed my brother once more before he put me down, pulling me into his chest.

"I love you Olivia, so so much."

"I love you too Joshy." He smiled at me.

"I have news," he started, "or more like a question."

"Is it ok with you if one of my band mates comes to live with us?" I nodded my yes and asked who.

"Matt." I knew Ian, he was like my second brother that I never had. I didn't know the other two guys though.

"Thanks Livvy. Now go get changed, we are going for supper."

if you enjoy this please let me know and I'll keep updating. I'm pretty much just doing this for fun so let me know 😂😄😄

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2016 ⏰

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