July (Part1)

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I sat down with her and she told me her story.
I told her I lover her and I just wanted to support her through her recovery.
Through conversations, I listened, and I feel like this is the best way to interpret what she told me.
The devil found clever way to infiltrate and bring his manipulation;
a slender blonde in a cocktail dress struggling through the intoxication
brought on by the gifting of drinks until she was ready to payback in the bedroom.
In the search to appease the demons in her head on a sterile surface in the bathroom.
Looking into a half cracked half filthy mirror hoping she doesn't reflect
that half cracked and half filthy receding stain of a smile her mother made when she left
because the promises she made to herself seem to be the hardest ones to keep
and knowing she survived the last storm was no longer all she needed to be able to fall asleep.

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