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hello readers!

this is something a lil bittersweet before we all get wrecked on tuesday. I already cried watching the fucking promos.

also happy easter to those who celebrate! idk atheism is a thing I practice but my fam still insists on celebrating.

also this is 2400 words so I'm sorry in advance.


Magnus felt like he was in High School Musical, only he got to play Gabriella.

He stood in front of the mirror in his room, examining his perfectly styled hair and making sure there wasn't a single piece of dust or stray hair on his tuxedo. There was no room for error on the night of Magnus's senior prom. Plus, he only had five more minutes until Alexander Lightwood, his boyfriend of three months, picked him up.

God, how he wished he had gone to prom with Alec last year too. He was stuck with his girlfriend at the time, Camille, who had made his life miserable every second she was in it. Magnus had spent the entire dance either gazing longingly at Alec or hiding from Camille by the punch bowl.

That was before he and Alec became better friends, which had led to something more. Their mutual friend, Clary, had introduced them formally, even though both knew who each other were. Magnus had had a tiny crush on Alec for years, ever since he saw Alec for the first time their freshman year. When they finally had an opportunity to talk to each other, the attraction was instantaneous.

Their relationship was purely platonic for far too long; Alec was still in the closet. Eventually, though, Magnus was able to convince him to come out to his parents, and the rest was history. They hadn't received too much hate, but there were always a few Bible thumpers, even in suburban New York, who weren't supporters. So, PDA was always out of the question at school.

This was the first time they'd be publicly a couple in front of their classmates. Fortunately, both Magnus and Alec had fantastic friends and siblings. Magnus wasn't too worried.

Magnus was putting the finishing touches on his eyeliner when he heard the doorbell ring. Alec. Racing down the stairs, Magnus bolted past his smiling mother to the door. On the other side stood Alec, wearing an expression that could only be described at excited fear. Magnus stopped dead in his tracks.

His boyfriend had been completely transformed from the frayed teenager that wore holey sweaters and faded t-shirts to a literal Prince Charming. He wore a black jacket with a blue tie. His hair was actually pulled back from his eyes and Magnus was actually able to see his blue irises without pushing his bangs away.

Alec in general was beautiful, but this Alec made Magnus want to push him against a wall and shove his tongue down his boyfriend throat. This Alec was hot. And judging by the look on Alec's face, he thought the same of Magnus.

"Shit," Magnus whispered before receiving a small smack on the head from his mother.

"Language, Magnus," she said, but Ms. Bane was smiling. "Hi, Alec. You look very handsome."

Alec gave a shy smile, still not completely used to talking to Magnus's parents. He was adorable like that, brave enough to show the world who he really was, but too shy to talk to two adults who had nothing but good intentions. Yet another one of Alec's most endearing qualities.

Ten minutes and a hundred embarrassing hetero-prom-pictures later, an annoyed Magnus and blushing Alec escaped to Alec's car. They had agreed not to rent anything fancy, even though the Lightwoods were filthy rich. Alec didn't like to exploit his wealth; Magnus didn't like to be reminded that his boyfriend had more money than all of Magnus's possessions and then some.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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