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Hello readers!

So I had this idea...

You'll get it in a second.

Key: Magnus


Blank line: pause


"Darling I'm home!"

"Hey Mags! How was your day?"

"Eh. Stupid werewolves won't pay me. I charge reasonably! Who can't afford $200,000?"


"Well I can. That's how we work."

"Don't kiss me like till later."

"Stop it! I'm blushing."

"I can tell. So how was your day?"

"Boring. Training with Jace can get a little frustrating sometimes."

"You spent your whole day with sweaty, shirtless Jace?"

"Yeah. Why? Do you have a problem with that?"

"Nope. I'm good."

"Magnus, don't walk away like that. We're not done here. What's wrong?"

"Nothing! I just hate that you're always talking to him and spending time with him."

"He's kinda my parabatai. And my brother. Spending time with him is a bit required, and he is my friend Mags. I thought you were over this!"

"Aren't I allowed to get jealous?"

"Yeah, sure, you're my boyfriend; its natural. But not with Jace!"

"Why the hell not?"

"Because! You know that I got over him years ago! That's over now!"

"I don't know, Alec, I just don't like him! He makes me nervous! I'm afraid that you'll go back to him."

"I was never 'with him' in the first place. Besides, you know Jace is the straightest person alive!"

"Don't walk away from me."

"This is bullshit. I'm leaving."

"Wait, darling, I'm sorry-"

"No. If you can't trust me, then why am I here at all?"

"Alexander! I'm sorry!"

"My name is Alec."

"Please come back!"


Eh, idk I just wanted to try it out.

I'm gonna update everything tonight so hold on to your hats ladies and gentlemen.

Also I got BoO and asdfghjkl NICO


vote, comment, enjoy! ♡

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