Parts Of The Past

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The year is 2016 its November 5th And a group of 4 friends walk down the sidewalk of a dimly lit street. "Ohh come on Dirk what's wrong with a little party" Roxy questioned. This is Roxy Lalonde She's an all around party girl who love cats, drinking, hanging out with her friends, and Dirk.

 This is Roxy Lalonde She's an all around party girl who love cats, drinking, hanging out with her friends, and Dirk

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"Roxy do you remember what happened last time I let you throw a party at my house." Dirk asked knowing that Roxy wouldn't remember. "No I don't remember but that's what makes it FUN" Roxy said excitedly "Besides Dirk what's the fun of life if you don't get into trouble now and then." She said with a grin. "Roxy you do realize that we had to bale you out of jail last time right." This is Dirk Strider he's a badass with a sword who can rhyme a sick beat and rock a sick pare of shades.

"Ohh Dirk it wasn't that bad it least I think it wasn't that bad, Jane was it that bad last time?" Roxy asked her best friend Jane

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"Ohh Dirk it wasn't that bad it least I think it wasn't that bad, Jane was it that bad last time?" Roxy asked her best friend Jane. "Well.... I wouldn't say it was good, but i also cant say it was bad."
This is Jane Crocker. Jane is the Heiress to the Crocker Brand [as in Betty Crocker] and is the Good Girl [who's a Bad Girl but just hasn't been caught] Jane loves to bake and loves her friends.

"Roxy lets just hold off on the party's for a few months until the police forget about the hole situation" Jane told Roxy

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"Roxy lets just hold off on the party's for a few months until the police forget about the hole situation" Jane told Roxy. "Then tell me what happened last time and I'll stop asking to have a party" Roxy said with a grin Jane and Dirk looked at each other then in sync they both said "Not it" leaving Jake to tell the horrifying story. This is Jake English he loves his doubles pistols[and a wink], he also loves to go on adventurers.

 This is Jake English he loves his doubles pistols[and a wink], he also loves to go on adventurers

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"Well..........."Jake started off mumbling. "Jakey you need to speak up I can't hear you" Roxy told Jake "Sorry... so long story short Roxy you ended up setting a cop car on fire and tried to seduce a cop." Jake said well death starring Roxy in the eyes. "Ohh... on a sacle of 1 to 10 how cute was he." Roxy asked out of curiosity " 3" Jake,Dirk, and Jane all replied in unison. "Oh....EEWWWWW" Roxy said in a grossed out voice, and with that they all walked to Dirks house where they all watche a movie on Netfix unaware of what was to come from the weeks to follows.

[A/N Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the first chapter there will be more to come but for now stay cool and drink Apple Juice and if you want to learn more about HomeStuck listen to this with headphones



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