Ain't Seen Nothing Yet | Zayn Malik

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"So, can you start work now? The store just opened, and the other worker, Beth hasn't shown up." Jeremy asks, raising his eyebrows. I nod, standing from the hard chair in my new boss's office. He grins, handing me a piece of paper.

"This is the list of where every record we have is located. You'll be working the register today, though." I nod for the second time, and turn around to walk out of his office. 

"Oh, and there's only 3 of you working here, and the other guy won't be here until later. I'll make sure when he comes, he'll make you feel welcome." Shooting Jeremy a thumbs up, I bring my bag to the register, setting it down below the counter. Today was my first day at my new job, at Billboard Record shop. I was a bit unsure of whether I was comfortable yet, but it seemed like a decent place for my first job, so I went with it. I had recently moved to London in hopes of fulfilling my dreams, but I wasn't dumb enough to think everything would work out the way I wanted just by moving. I had to work for what I wanted.

"Hi, um I'm ready to buy this?" My first customer stood in front of me. I smiled slightly, and flushed as my eyes met his. He had wild, curly hair and electric green eyes. He was breathtaking, but it was my first day, and I wasn't planning on making a fool of myself already. I rung him up, and placed the record in a paper bag. 

"There you go." I grinned, handing the bag to him. He winked, and walked off. Sighing, I ran my hand through my hair. I didn't mind working, but if working long hours was a usual, this would get old quickly. 

"Of course I do, Niall.. Yes, I fucking realize that. No, I'm not drunk. Are you drunk?" Observing the angry boy in front of me talk into his cell phone, I almost forgot to lock the door. I stuck the key into the hole, turning it and checking the knob to make sure it was locked securely. I tried my best to be quiet as the boy talked, not wanting to interrupt him, seeing as he looked angry. 

"Fucking hell, you're such a wanker sometimes. I swear, if it wasn't for this band I would never talk to you bloody idiots again." He spat into the cell, and took it away from his ear, angrily stabbing at the red End Call button. I cringed, realizing who the boy was. He turned around, his eyes landing on mine. They narrowed, as his legs carried himself towards me.

"Were you eavesdropping on my conversation?" He asked, towering over me. I shook my head quickly, backing away. The streets were dark, and I wasn't in anyway comfortable with talking to this angry boy on a dark street. 

"Of course not, I was just locking up the store I work in, not listening to you. I'm sorry.." Trailing off, I turned around quickly and hurriedly began walking away. 

"Wait! Come back!" He yelled, and as I considered turning around, I felt a cold grip on my wrist. Letting out a yelp of surprise, I turned around. 

"What do you want?," When he didn't reply, I spoke again "If you're thinking of hurting me because I heard your conversation, please think again! I wasn't listening, I promise." He scoffed, letting go of my arm.

"I don't care about you listening, but if you did, I need to know you won't tell anyone." His eyes remained in slits, as his cold glare stayed upon me. I shivered, nodding even before I processed what he said. "I promise, who would I tell anyways?" 

"Paparazzi? Tabloids? I'm famous, and you're a teenage girl.." He raised his eyebrows as if this were obvious. I knew he was famous, I hadn't been living under a rock for the past 3 years. He was apart of the most famous boy band, but it was now quite obvious he didn't enjoy the fame. I wasn't planning on telling anyone, but if continued being a dick, I would. 

Rolling my eyes, I pushed my bag higher up on my shoulder, and turned around after saying, "I won't tell anyone you're a drunk asshole." I could sense the anger radiating off him, but I ignored it. 

After reaching my car and driving to my recently-bought flat, I unlocked the door and slipped off my shoes. 

"Tabby!" I yelled, setting my bag on the floor beside the kitchen. A loud 'meow' was heard throughout the small home, and I bent down to pet the cat. She was my cat of 3 years, and my mum surprisingly had let me take her with me to London.

I was fresh out of college, community college that was, so I still lived at home while attending. I only attended 2 years, which was enough for me to know I didn't want to be there anymore. I was 20, and I had a rather large education, so what was stopping me? Mum agreed to pay for my new flat's rent, the first 4 months. I was fine here, everything was planned out. I would get a steady job, maybe 2 if time allowed, and settle in, before searching for singing opportunities. Maybe take singing lessons, if I earned the money.

"You hungry, Tab?" I cooed to the cat, before standing and bringing her food dish to the counter. Filling it to the brim with food, I set it back down and walked to my room.

I laid on the bed, thinking of my encounter with Zayn. I wasn't sure whether it was the alcohol that made him such an asshole, or if he just acted nice in front of cameras and was just a usual jerk all the time. He lied on the phone, when he said he wasn't drunk. He got close enough for me to smell the foul stench of mixed alcoholic beverages.

It was disturbing to know the idol so many little girls looked up to wasn't really how he portrayed himself to be.

I sighed loudly, and reached under my shirt to peel off my bra. Throwing it to the floor, I pulled off my jeans and moved the comforter down. Pulling it over my cold body, I closed my eyes, drifting off into a far-from peaceful sleep.


sorry it's short but it's just chapter one, so it's basically a filler! hope you guys like it yay!!

please comment, vote, and folllllllow. 

Ain't Seen Nothing Yet | Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now