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I don't know what it is but I have the urge to hug that girl in the corner who's crying. I walk slowly up to her and tap her gently on her shoulder. She suddenly stops crying and turns around for me to see. Now I can see her scratched out eyes and bleeding tears as well with no mouth. I don't say anything I just hug her and tell her I'm sorry.

             I'm awake.

"Told you that you needed a hospital."
"I tried to stop her doc but what did she do she left the fucking hospital to do something more wreckless so she could waste more of your time. Like the wild goose chase wasn't enough."
Doctor:"It really is quite alright. Some patients tend to feel like they need fresh air being cooped up and all."
"But in the fucking woods, doc?!"
Doctor:"Look I think all this yelling and aggressiveness could cause the patient to feel more depressed."
"Oh don't worry about that doc she told me she definitely loves her depression."
Doctor:"I don't think you should be supporting the depression she has."
"Whatever doc. Can you just tell me what's going on with her?"
Doc:"Well it appears that something very weird is happening in her brain it's almost like a big cloud in their. It's very concerning as well as some new wounds that she apparently got in the woods unless..."
"Doc I swear I didn't touch her like that."
"Just making sure."
"Well besides from that she'll just keep getting worse if she doesn't rest."
"So how long will she be here?"
"Not too long maybe a week but we're just waiting for a X-Ray to come back."
Nurse:"Here's that X-Ray you needed."
"Thank you. Oh my."
"What is it."
"Well it appears that she was able to successfully break her arm and ankle."
"That explains why her arm started to turn purple."
"We need to treat this as quickly as possible."
"Not only that but she..."
"Out with it Doctor!"
"She appears to have a tumor in her brain."
Stacy and Jenna:"What!!!"
"Well it appears that tumor has been there for a month but the good news is that it hasn't spread that much so it's basically really small."
Stacy:"But wait. If it's been there for a month how come no one noticed it before. I mean my mom takes me to the hospital at least once a week."
"Well it's most likely that the doctor could have missed it or they ignored it."
Jenna:"So doc what does this mean for Stacy?"
"Well it means that she'll have to undergo some treatment."
Jenna:"What kind of treatment?"
Stacy:"Don't mean to interrupt but Jenna doesn't really know all this considering she really isn't family."
Doc:"Well that is true. Is there any family you would like to call?"
Jenna:"Don't take her side doc!"
Doc:"I'm just doing what is in the patient's best interest."
Stacy:"To answer your question doc I don't want to call my family."
Doc:"Well it is mandatory to inform some family member of yours."
"I mean you could but I highly doubt they'll listen let alone care."
"Either way I must call. So may I have their number?"
"No way!"
The doctor lets out a sigh and decides to leave the room to avoid any argument.
Jenna:"I have to um... pee."
"Hey doc."
"What do you want now?"
"I can get you that number."
"Well I really shouldn't considering I don't have her permission."
"But you did say it was mandatory."
"Ok give me the number."
He dials the number and Cecilia, Stacy's sister, answers the phone.
"Okay bye now."
"Um hello."
"Uh yes this is doctor Munrow. I was calling to inform you that Stacy is in the hospital and..."
"Uh huh.. oh yeah just set the dip on the snack table. Sorry continue."
"As I was saying Stacy is at the hospital and she is badly injured and I have some news I need to discuss with Stacy's parents and any siblings she has."
"Hang on. Mom!"
"There's a doctor um Munro on the phone!"
"Okay hand me the phone. Hello?"
"Hello is this Stacy's mother?"
"Yes what seems to be the problem?"
"I have your daughter Stacy at the hospital because she is badly injured and um I'd like to fully explain to you and the family in person."
"I'm sorry doctor Munro but me and my family are very busy."
"I begging you to please come it is very important."
"Okay we'll be there in about fifteen minutes later. Bye."
Jenna:"Well are they on there way?"
            Fifteen Minutes Later

Mom:"Okay why are we here?!"
Doctor:"Well I called you here to tell you that your daughter Stacy has a broken leg and ankle. As well as a few scratches."
Mom:"Okay so you called me her just for that when you could have just told me on the phone."
Doctor:"Well the real news I wanted to tell you is that Stacy has a small but still unstable tumor in her brain."
Parents:"How is that even possible? How long has she had it?"
Doctor:"Well it appears that it has been sitting there for over a month now."
Dad:"This is crazy."
Mom:"So what's gonna happen to her?"
"Well we're gonna put her on some prescriptions to see if we can help it that way for at least two weeks and if that fails she'll have to undergo surgery."
Mom:"This is a lot to take in."
Doctor:"I don't want to overwhelm you anymore so I'll give you a minute to take it all in. I'm so sorry."
Dad:"May we please see her doctor Munro?"
"Yes you may."
They follow Doctor Munro to Stacy's room and see Jenna sitting on a chair inside. They walk in slowly one by one and all looked shocked to see that she looked worse than they were told. Jenna comforts Cecilia as she cries on her shoulder. Stacy is asleep at the moment so she doesn't know they're there.
Mom:"My poor baby."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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