Chapter Four

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When Aki got home, she did the same thing she always did, she washed it off and hoped her grandparents didn't notice. She tried to keep her mind off of the drawing and the monster, but she couldn't. She sighed, why was this thing so important anyway? It wasn't like it happened more than once. It was one nightmare. Why does it matter? But she didn't stop thinking about it. The thing lingered in her mind as if obsessing over it would give her the answers she wanted.

Soon enough, dinner came and went. Aki got ready for bed and sat on the edge of her mattress. She didn't want to fall asleep, she was worried whatever it was would come back and finish off whatever it wanted to start. She lay in her bed, leaving the lights on, and drifted off into a light sleep.

Aki realized she was in a dream as soon as she saw her mother at the breakfast table. She knew that her parents were no where near the financial standard to have her back in their custody. But she smiled anyway and hugged her mom tight as the smell of home cooked food filled the room. She laughed as her father made a joke about how late she had woken up. She rolled her eyes at her mom's groan at the food her father was making. They were a family again, and she wanted to savor that for a moment.

When she was done, Aki went upstairs to get ready for the day. That was when things began to get strange. Aki opened her door, only to see a forest ahead of her. When se looked back, there as more forest. She was no longer in her old house, she couldn't turn back, so she did the only thing she could think to do, she walked ahead.

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