[larry] how it's supposed to be.

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This one-shot might not be as good as I would want it to be, since I am lacking inspiration I have no idea why. It's all very odd, because I'm happy and everything is flowers and unicorns right now, and just ugh, I might cry rainbows. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it and I apologize to @kimberlytoinfinity for being so slow with this one-shot...BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH for leaving me prompts and telling me you love my writing, you're a sweetheart and I love you x


Prompt: Hey, hey, hey! So I was thinking 'bout a one shot where Louis and Harry are best friends, but they're not famous, and Harry is like the school's most popular boy and Louis is just average, but they're best friends. Then when they're hanging out in one of their houses they get caught up in the moment and they kiss, so they tell each other how they have been feeling 'bout each other for a while now. 


Louis and Harry has been best mates since grade 5. They are both inseparable, their friendship has a bond that is so strong that nobody seems to even want to break it. They are like Alpha and Omega, Batman and Robin, and Shaggy and Scooby. That's how it's supposed to be though.


Louis and Harry are now in grade 11, still best friends and still being the same 5 year old boys around each other, it's cute actually. It's Louis and Harry against the world. That's how it's supposed to be, it's always been that way.


People tend to bother Louis. Not Harry. Harry's popular and it's so weird how Louis and Harry are best mates yet their social classes at school are not the same. Louis isn't a dork though. He doesn't mind either way, Harry always defends him like the best mate he is. Louis cherishes every single little thing Harry does for him, same with Harry. That's how it's suppose to be, it will always be that way.


Some people think Louis and Harry's friendship is weird and odd. But people are just ignorant and dumb, really. Louis and Harry don't do anything that's not normal and best friends don't do. Ok, maybe the might give each other heart eyes [they don't notice this though], hold hands once in a while, compliment each other and even cuddle. But, like...don't best mates do that? It's how it's supposed to be...they like it that way.


But it wasn't always bad. Other people really admired their friendship and how they are so fond of the other. It's amazing, really. It's amazing how they can tell each other all of their secrets and never get judged, how they can always help each other and how they always care about everything happening to the other. Some people say it's disgustingly adorable.


The thing that nobody knows it that all their secret little touches and heart eyes mean something. Love. It's funny, really how both of them have been trying to tell each other how much they love the other. They are afraid. Scared. The fact that their 6 years non-stop friendship can be messed up by 1 confession. 3 words. 8 letters.


Louis and Harry are currently at Harry's house having some food with Anne and Gemma before they go to study for a Chemistry test they have the day after. That's another Harry/Louis thing...study together. Always. No matter what. That's how it's supposed to be. Till' now, that's how it's been.


When they are finished they go up to Harry's room and sit down on the bed and take out their books and notes. 


During the first 30 minutes which is silent studying they both couldn't help but stare at the other once in a while. Louis was dying, Harry had his pen in his mouth, biting on it and it was not okay. At all. Louis was biting his lip and licking them and Harry's thoughts were all over the place and his skinny jeans 2 sizes too small.


When their 30 minute silent studying was over they decided to have a little break to organize their thoughts and for the information they read to sink in. They went to the kitchen and Harry served them a cup of apple juice. After they chatted for a while and drank their juices they went back to Harry's.

Louis slipped in the room and sprawled down on the bed saying something about 'feeling tired' and 'needing sleep'. Harry chuckled at that and as he was going to the edge of the bed to join Louis he tripped over a book that was left on the floor and fell on top of him. Face to face. 

Louis was wide-eyed and Harry was breathing heavily. Louis looked straight into Harry's eyes and Harry couldn't take it anymore but before he did anything Louis grasped his shirt and pulled him down harshly, attaching their lips together. Harry hummed immediately in approval and cupped Louis' cheek. Harry licked inside Louis' mouth and it was just amazing. Louis could feel himself loosing his mind. Harry's tongue was warm and wet with a taste of apple juice and a hint of cinnamon...gum maybe and it was driving him crazy. 

Louis turned them around so now he was on top, caressing Harry's curls. Harry wasn't expecting this, Louis is kissing him. Him. And really, it's better than he imagined.

They pull apart breathing heavily and panting. 

"I'm in love with you" They both say at the same time and fuck, did that just happen?!

They grin like there's no tomorrow, kiss till their lips are swollen and cuddle until their limbs are hurting. It's not easy to turn friendship into love but hey, it works out. It's how it's supposed to be, how it's going to be. No matter what. Louis and Harry against the world, remember?

Hope you guys enjoyed that and remember to leave prompts whenever you want :3



and FAN if you feel nice.     -Chanti x

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