[ziam] the touch of fear and loneliness.

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Hiya. This update was quite fast, wow. Hope you guys enjoy this one-shot and I still have two other prompts to write but do NOT expect them this week, or at least not till the weekend. I've been getting plenty of prompts and gosh, that makes me so happy. I even got an amazing amount of votes on the previous one-shot in just ONE DAY. I can't even breathe. Thank you guys, so much.


Prompt: I love your boyxboy 1D one-shots they are great so I came up with an idea :) Liam & Zayn [group 1D] is a couple since 6 months. After a night out with the whole band where Liam gets drunk & a fan takes advantage of it with kissing Liam at the nightclub, Zayn sees it and rushes from the night club. The tears running down her cheeks at Zayn when he runs toward his car across the road what Zayn do not see is the truck coming straight at him.  Liam & others sees when the truck drives straight towards Zayn who do not have a chance against the big truck.  How will Zayn react when he wakes up & realizes he has no feeling in his legs and is paraliced from his waist & down & is forced to have Liam's help around the clock how will Liam handle it all while he has a guilty conscience, will the love survive between the two when they lifes changes forever & never will be the same!

That was long, but nonetheless, an amazing prompt, too. I twisted the prompt a bit, so here are the changes:

1. It's an AU, which means Zayn and Liam aren't in One Direction.

2. The girl Liam makes out with isn't a fan, just some girl.

Picture to the side: My fudging feels. Hold me.

READ ON!   -Chanti x


The club was packed, the music loud enough for the walls to vibrate. Sweaty bodies were dancing dirtily on the dance floor. Zayn was sitting down in a bar stool, a beer in hand. A few minutes ago his boyfriend of already six months went to the bathroom and is still nowhere to be seen. The worst thing is that Liam is massively drunk, and Zayn has no idea how he could let Liam go by himself. He finishes his beer, stands up and goes to the mass of bodies. He pushes people away, trying to walk past them. He even struggles with one girl who clings to him and starts sucking on his neck forcefully.

"Excuse me" He says, rather harshly.

He can't help his mood, though. Liam is God knows where doing God knows what. Once Zayn reaches the back of the club he spots Liam's small quiff. Once he steps closer he notices how Liam has a girl trapped against the wall, grasping her waist as the girl shoves her tongue down her throat. Zayn freezes, his heart falling to the pit of his stomach.

"L-Liam?" He stutters.

Liam turns around and his eyes widen in realization.

"Zayn, baby! It's not what it looks like" Liam rambles.

"Oh, really? Are you going to blame it on the alcohol, Liam!? Because you don't look like you're fucking drunk!" Zayn spat, before tears started running down his cheeks. He knows it's embarrassing, crying in a club, but fuck that, Liam was cheating.

Zayn rushes out of the club, with the tears still streaming down his eyes like a waterfall. His vision is extremely blurred by the tears and he doesn't even know where he's walking. He runs and runs until he can breathe again. He stops for a second and takes a huge intake of air, still sobbing brokenly.

"Zayn!" Is the last thing he hears before everything goes black.


When Zayn wakes up he feels like shit. His eyes feel like they were glued together, his chest and arms hurt and he can't feel his legs. As he slowly tries to open his eyes he flinches as he light hits him. He had to close his eyes again and blink several times to get adjusted. Once he finally opened his eyes he scanned his surroundings. He noticed the walls were painted white –entirely-, there was a TV in front of him, there was a small door –the bathroom- next to the bed he was in and there was also a table next to the bed and a couch next to that.

One Direction boyxboy One-Shots [Requests Open]Where stories live. Discover now