The Hand Print (Destiel)

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I stare at the hand print on Dean's shoulder, it seems like just yesterday I had placed it there, things sure do fly by quickly these days. I softly blush as soon as Dean catches me staring at him. "Like what you see?" Dean winks at me. Was that a flirtation or teasing?  I think to myself. I am unsure how to reply.

"I- umm...-" 

"I'm just messing with you Cas," Dean smirks.

"Your jokes and seriousness is very difficult to tell apart." Dean chuckles and ruffles my hair, like he  would do after he teases Sam on a rare occasion.  He pulls his hand away from my hair, and I almost whimper at the loss.

"Sorry I'll make it more obvious next time. Well enough messing around, let's get some progress done, but first let's get a drink before we begin." He walks past me to the fridge and pulls out a cheap beer. He pops the lid off and takes a swig of the alcohol. 

I stare at the books, "and what exactly should I be looking for?"

"Well I haven't found a case quite yet," Dean scratches his neck and stares around the bunker. "Just hold on and I'll find one." Sure enough he gets on a laptop and starts typing away.

It took Dean more than an hour to actually find a case, it's a simple salt and burn. I lean over to look over the article, he seems uncomfortable. I try to move so I am no longer touching him, but failed horrifically. "Sorry," I mutter softly. I felt a tug at my tie and I am yanked to his level, our faces are close enough that I could feel his breathe on my face.  A sudden urge to move forward is washed upon me.  "Dean what is the meaning behind all this?"

"Castiel.." I couldn't help but feel flustered as my name  rolls off his tongue, "I can't hide this feeling forever. I love you and whenever I am around you my heart races, and I just want to hug and cuddle the shit out of you," he looks away, but his gaze focuses back on me once again. "And this is defiantly not a chick-flick moment."

"Well our bond does seem to have more of an emotional connection, I would be lying if I said I wasn't feeling the same way about you. I've tried so hard to diminish these feelings, but the urges grew and I began to love you more and more," I felt his thumb caress my cheek affectionately. 

I close my eyes as he leans forward and smashes our lips together, I sit on his lap and my arms lay over his shoulders. The world around us seemed to vanish and it was only us. The sound of awkward coughing causes us to quickly pull apart.

"Should I go or are you to done making-out?" Sam stands awkwardly in the doorway.

"It's fine, we've got a case..." His voice trails on. A smile spreads widely across my face, Dean returns the same feeling I do. I rest my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat.

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