17 Big Wedding

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ok im back wid yall cuz i kno yall want dis story so here u go da big wedding chapter 17!!!


*Jae pov*

This it!!!! im gttin Married this is da day yall i swear im 6 months pregnant n its time im so big n my dress is so cute (multimedia) i found out im having a boy so im so happy rite nw im at da door linked arms wid my dad waiting for my moment den i heard da music nd i knew it was my time i smiled really big as da doors opened n i saw Chris at da alter raising his head to look at me wid a big kool aid smile across his face i slowly walked dwn da aisle n joined hands wid Chris

Flloyd: you take care of my baby

Chris: i will sir

I watched my dad go bak to his seat den i looked bak at Chris to see da smile still on his face im kind of to nervouse to smile like wat if my hair falls dwn n hits him in da face wen we kiss or will my ring b missin or will he dip out on me n leave me or will i start stuttering or will da paster mess up or wat if da church burns dwn omfg!!! calm dwn Jae oooo i breathed in n out a couple of times fo i tuned in bak to da pastor to see him askin us for our vows n Chris went first

Chris: um Jae from da first time i saw u in class wen we were in first grade i knew u had to b mines da way u talked, walked, smiled, laughed or even breathed i knew u were for me u wer der for me since day one u neva left my side even wen we broke up u wer der to comfort me and make sure my day was goin good i loved u from day one i neva believe in love at first sight but baby u changed me i love u from da top of my head to da bottom on my feel ur everything n anything i need i love u like Martin loves Gina or Jay z Loves Beyonce ur my Bonnie, my Queen, my heart, my night, my day, and my galaxy with out u im nothing i love u more than any and everything baby u complete me and im glad i met u i regret hurting u cause i hate to see u sad or even mad my whole day could b ruined eve if ur sad for 1 hour because ur everything i care about n need and i love u baby

Pastor: Jae do you have your vows?

Me: yea um wow Chris im not gone lie da first day i met u i didnt like you at all u were an annoying little light boy who didnt visit walmart alot *giggle* but after 2 days of dating u i loved u u cared for me showed me things in life i neva seen spent money on me and stood by me every day ur my head ache but its a gud pain u took me even wid my flaws im nt perfect but nobody is but u took me and turned me into someone who u thought was perfect u gave me da best relationship da best years u gave me a ring and in 3 more months u will giv me a little baby boy i love u more than anyone on this planet because u gave me happiness i dont need money fancy cars or even a big house to live in as long as im wid u n my son im happy its gone be us to da end wen we say dese final words der is no turning bak im wid u till da end baby till da wheels fall of im here i love you Christoper

Pastor: ok Jae Mayweather do you take Christopher Brown to be ur lawfully wedded husband in sickness n help for rich or poor for better or worse?

Me: i do

Pastor: ok Christopher Brown do you take Jae Mayweather to b ur lawfully wedded wife in sickness n help for rich or poor for better or worse?

Chris: i do

Pastor: ok u may now exchange rings

i gt my ring from my mom n put it on Chris hands while he gt his ring from Kaleb n put it on my hand

Pastor: If anyone objects speak now or forever hold your peace.........................by the power vested in me i know pronounc u husband and wife ladies n gentlemen Mr and Mrs Brown u may nw kiss da bride

Chris grabbed viel n pulled it up den grabbed my waist n pulled my closer n looked in my eyes den we both leaned forward n kissed i heared cheering n cries comin from our family wen we pulled apart we look forward n saw da doors open n we grabbed hands n walked out da church n gt in da black lambourghini and drove off to da Reception at our new house wen we gt in ppl was every were kids running around ppl dancing n laughin n talkin da Dj was blasting music n i saw him grabb da mic n announce da father daughter Dance so me n my dad danced to Daddy by Beyonce den dey did Mother n Son dance n i forgt wat dey danced to cuz i was in da bathroom den me n Chris danced to Happily Ever After by CASE den it was time to cut da cake Me n Chris both grabbed da Knife n ppl took pic as we cut da cake den he took da frst piece n smashed it in my face n i did da same to him after we cleaned up it was time for da first wine drink ( i had water sadly) we crossed arms n drank den ppl took more pics n we was laughin n havin fun n dancing den after da reception n all i changed in a more comfortable outfit n i saw my stuff packed n i called for Chris

Me: Chris why is my stuff packed?

Chris: honeymoon babe

Me: to were? we aint plan dis

Chris: Ur mom my mom n yo dad planned dis dey wont tell me wer we goin we juss finna gt on a private jet n nt come bak to nex month

Me: well lets go

i grabbed my bag den grabbed Chris hand n we walked outside n every one was der givin us hugs n kisses tellin us dey will miss us n stuff den we gt in da Mercedes Benz n drove off to da airport wer we gt on da black private Jet n we was off i admidiatly went to da bak n went to sleep cuz my feet was so swole n i was to tired i told Chris to wake me up wen we gt der i had a perfect wedding :)

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