Chapter 1-The Drum Set Fiasco

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A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for opening my story! Okay, so I'm really new to this whole writing thing and I decided to try it out for probably my last summer vacation since I'm going to college soon. I'm really sorry in advance for the mistakes. As I've said, I'm completely new to this so yeah. Please point out the mistakes if you see one. Thanks! 

Anyway, thanks again and hope you enjoy the story!

You're awesome remember that!  

DEDICATED TO brokenugget for the cover she made! Thank you!!



My fingers softly ran through the ivory keys of the grand piano keeping up with the fast pace of the song. I took a swift peek at the audience to see if their enjoying what my orchestra is playing. Three years in this industry and I still can't believe all my wishes and dreams came true. One video posted online and my life changed. I guess that's the power of social media. 

As a kid, I've always dreamed of being a famous musician. I remember those times I would dress up in my father's coat acting as if I'm some kind of a professional musician. At the young age of five, I got to compose my very first song. It's not that deep you know, with all the life lessons, regrets, mistakes I've done in life. 

Nope. Nada. Nuh-uh

In fact, it is about my dead rabbit and his very soft and fluffy fu--

"Miss Bellwood?"

"Miss Bellwood!!"

I woke up from my daydream as I heard the sound of my history teacher,Mrs. Graham's voice. She's the type of history teacher who wears round glasses, is very thin and will scare you to death if she ever laid her eyes on you. Every student here in Mardan High is afraid of her, hell, even her co-teachers are afraid of her.

"Umm, yes Mrs. Graham?" I called out from my seat hoping that I'm not in trouble.

"I do not tolerate lazy students in my class. So please pay more attention to the discussion." She scolded me. 

Tsk as if. Me lazy? I was the only one who was passing her class. Not to brag or anything, I'm just proving my point.

 I look around the class only to see that most of my classmates are either drooling from their sleep or daydreaming like I did. Right, and I was the lazy student.

"Yes of course, Ma'am. Sorry to be a bother." I apologized. Even if this teacher annoys the hell out of me, I still respect her.

"Very well," she nodded as she returned to her discussion of the Cold War. 

I can't wait for lunch. I haven't got the chance to eat breakfast a while ago since the bus came so early. So now I'm sitting here, looking forward for lunch with a grumbling stomach.

"Psst... Fel!" I glanced at my best friend, Allison's seat who was at the seat behind me. 


"Well, the student council will have a meeting later during lunch and I was wondering if you can come with me? I'm gonna need some help with all the paperwork and stuff. If that's okay with you?" she asked. Allison was my best friend since first grade and we treat each other like sisters. We are always there for the other if she needs help. So, being the greatest best friend that she had--kidding--, nodded and offered to stay with her during lunch. I'll probably pick up some food before i go to the meeting.

The bell rang after a few minutes and I rushed to Allison's side to tell her that I'm gonna pick up some food before I go to the meeting, while Allison, being the great and responsible student body president that she is told me that she will go ahead to their office. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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