#1 Sleepy Head

516 37 20

+ cute fluffy baby boys

 + cute fluffy baby boys

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Shawn: Baby, wake up!

Taylor: Mmm... no.

Shawn: You have to. I don't want to stay up alone.

Taylor: Sleepy.

Shawn: We were suppose to do all nighter.

Shawn: Tay?

Shawn: Taylor...

Shawn: Smile if you're still awake.

Taylor gives out a simple smile and Shawn screenshots it for safe keeping.

Shawn: Night, night. Love you!

Taylor: I love you, go sleep.

Sorry. I watermark my photos with my Twitter username @KIDDIEMENDES (no longer stunnershawn oh boo hoo)

I don't do this with my other books at all but I start these now for my one shots, so Shaylor Stans, five comments before each update!


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