boys will be boys

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After watching him dissapear you walk back towards your friends as they notice the huge smile on your face. " whatcha  got behing your back' your one friend says trying to grab the tickets. " Nothing " you say taking a step back aginst the areana behind you. " Ohh i bet its something good'. Turning deep red you hold out the ticket's " their for next week's game aginst filly'. "  Your really lucky to have them" nodding your head you slip them into your jacket pocket along with the note. Sitting down on a small bench lacing up the skates

you take once last look around before spotting yet another pen in the small arena. Sure enough it's shy boy kris letang as he tries to escape the mop of younger children asking for his autograph. Your friends are already out on the ice warming up as kris spot's you quickly looking away. Smiling you get up heading towards the ice when a younger child ran into you nearly knocking you over. Kris stopp's what he's doing and walks over to help you. " Hey are you ok" he asks helping you up " ya just didnt see him flying towards me. He chuckles running his hands through his wild hair as his phone went off, he smiled taking it out of his jacket pocket " Hey g, where are you" as he talks  on his phone you take out the piece of paper unfolding it finding a phone number written in sloppy handwritting. " He's a clown" kris spoke from behind you making you jump a little. 

" ohh geno" you say adding the number into your phone, kris nodd's his head tucking his phone away. " he forget's that i drove this morning he hates driving in the snow' smiling he reaches over picking up his bag hoisting it over his shoulder. " I better go before he turns into a giant freeze, see ya marissa' he calls over his shoulder. Speachless you wave seeing him watching you take to the ice. Figuring geno already told him about the necklace eariler. It was around dinnertime when you all headed home the street lights where just comming on as you exited the areana.Seeing that your's friends went their sepreate ways home. Placing your skates over your shoulder you grabbed your phone texting the number. '  did you turn into a giant freeze waiting for kris' hitting send  you walked into your house heading up to your room to change for dinner.Placing your skates in your closet changing into comfortable cloths you notices your phone going off on your bed. Seeing that he was calling instead of texting you put him on speaker phone as you worked on somework while talking to him. Spending twenty five minutes on the phone with him, you learned alot about him. He loves teaching you russian words. He sounded upset when you had to go, promising you would text him or call him when ever you had a free moment he cheered up. 

After dinner was finished you went backup stairs to finish schoolwork. checking your phone for any messages from geno you smiled seeing one from kris. " Hey i hope you dont mind geno gave me your number" smiling you respond to him before  turning on the tv to find re runs of the past weeks games.Checking the time on your phone you shut off your tv and put your books away. Curling under the blankets your phoned beeped reaching over seeing that geno wrote " good night, see you next week" you responded before falling asleep. The next couple of  days flew past before you knew it you got together with your friends planning  on what you were going to wear to the game. Your friends were going to wear their Kennedy,Letang and Staal jerseys. As game day approached you took the day off from school claming to have a doctors appointment.

Slipping on your malin jersey with some accessiors you headed down to the arena.

Once inside you took out your phone texting geno to tell him you arrived. Within moments geno appeared giving you a giant bear hug as you noticed some of the families started to arrive. Getting scared you fiddled with your hair as geno introduced you to everyone. Before you knew it you were on the ice being attacked by dupris's children with jackson cooke. Seeing that you needed a break gronk swung by picking you up taking you over to where a bunch of them were hanging out. Seeing you flower smotherd you into a big bear hug. " Flower let her breath" came a femine voice from behind you. Turing to see vero and taylor approach you take a step back. ' Hey Marissa, ive heard noting but good things from the boys' vero said reaching to give you a hug. ' Hii vero" you say shly as taylor waited with the boys. Letting go you looked around for geno that seamed to dissapear. " Hey I'm taylor he's probly with sid' she said hugging you. " hii taylor' you say shly " I'm sure you wont stay shy for much longer" she says smliing. " why do you say that sis" sid said skaing up behind her. 'Because once she get's to know the boys her shyness will vanish like mine did" she says back sticking out her tounge at sid. " dork" he says taking off his glove to shake your hand " hey marissa, dont listen to her she's a dork" he says reaching for your hand. " I love hugs more' you say opening your arms for a hug. 

" Sid hands off her" a booming voice came from behind the group, causing everyone to turn around. " About time malkin" flower spoke up getting a glare from geno. " who's ready for some hockey" geno says tossing a puck onto the ice handing out sticks. " But no rough housing" geno called out handing you one of his sticks. " boy's aginst girls' gronk called out. 

" alright we gotta pick captin's' flower called out as brett got into the other goal. " this should  be fun" kris says joining the group with tyler behind him. " how about geno and marissa" they all said. You turned red as everyone got ready to play, geno was across from you when tyler dropped the puck. He gently bumped past you as you went go get the puck from letang. Catching up with letang you quickly stole it as gronk was charging after you. Screaming as gronk picked you up letting geno steal the puck as he set you back down. You got mad going after gronk as someone screamed across the arena. Turing you seen someone picking vero up carrying her bridal style towards the locker room .Flower slammed his stick down chasing after the mystery guy. " TALBOT put her down now" he shouts before following them towards the locker room. Hearing max's name the game stopped as everyone scrambled for the locker room. 

Once everyone was inside the locker room there was alot of talking. ' what they didnt like you" sid asked max as he stood off to the side. " They like me i guess, but i came back to see my family' he says motioning to the guy's. " You know max were always here for you"flower says bitting back tears. " aww flower" max says hugging him . " so whats new with you guy's and girls' he says noticing the girls. " Marc tell him the good news' vero says nudging him.Marc turned deep red before speaking " I'm ummm' he stutterd. " we're expecting' vero says sitting on marc's leg. The whole room light up congradulating marc and vero. "with that out of the way who wants to go another round" gronk asks . " sure " everyone along with max took the ice. It was late afternoon when the game finally finished " ok guy's meet back here around five i think thats what coach told me' sid says as everyone went seperate ways with their family's.  'Hey marissa we'll see you later vero and taylor called' you nodded your head as geno lead you out towards his car. 

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