Chapter 18

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Violet's p.o.v...
I walked down the street, Subaru following behind me. "Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded. "Don't be sad." He comforted me. I gave him a smile and we went home together. "Welcome back!" The aunty exclaimed as she opened the door after we rung the doorbell. We smiled and went in. "I bought some ingredients for steamboat!" She continued. "Yay!" I exclaimed as I haven't had steamboat in a long time. I then joined her at the dining table and we had our dinner together.After dinner, I went into the room as Subaru went for a shower. I looked at the ring I was wearing that Xiao kai gave me. What do I do now? I asked myself. I thought over and over and fell asleep...

The next morning...
I woke up in the bed, cuddled with Subaru. I gasped and blushed,feeling my face heat up. He woke up too and saw me blushing and quickly let go of me. "Morning." He said. "M-morning." I stammered. I then stood up and got ready for school. After that, we bid the aunty good bye and left, walking to school. The main gate was metres away as we approached it and I saw Xiao kai with his hand on the girl's waist from afar. I felt this stinging feeling in my chest but endured it, hastened my pace and entered the school. Class started but of course, how could I even pay attention? I kept thinking of Xiao kai, hoping I didn't misunderstand him.

After school, I looked out for Xiao kai with Subaru beside me. "Are you waiting for him again?" He asked. I nodded. I then saw a pair of long legs exiting the neighbouring school. Xiao kai walked out with the same pretty girl again and walked side by side towards the other direction. I then followed behind them into the shopping mall and into the arcade. The girl was whining to Xiao kai and he kissed her on the cheeks. The girl then tip-toed and kissed Xiao kai on the lips. Xiao kai  did not resist at all, which hurts me the most. I turned around immediately and walked away in tears. Subaru glared at Xiao kai but followed me. I walked out of the shopping mall and headed back home. I weeped and weeped but couldn't stop at all. I sat at the sofa with Subaru beside me. Something suddenly hit him and he said,"Come, lets go." He then pulled me out to the swimming pool in the backyard as we wore our slippers."Its warmer now. Watching the sunset would make you feel better." He continued.

I sat down at the seat and he said,"Hold on. I will go get us some drinks." He then left quickly back into the house. I felt the cooling breeze and walked towards the swimming pool and took off the slippers I was wearing. I strolled along the side of the swimming pool. It was slippery so I accidentally slipped...*splash* I ended up in the water and sank down. I thought of Xiao kai and why didn't he wait for me. I did not feel the need to breathe at all. I remained in the water and I felt dizzy but didn't have the strength to swim up anymore. A figure then jumped in and pull me up. I took a huge breath and coughed out the water as I wiped the water off my face. "Are you trying to kill yourself?! Because of him?!" Subaru shouted. "No." I replied. "Don't you do that again." He warned and hugged me. Drops of water dripped from my hair and rolled down my cheeks. No,I just couldn't differentiate them from my tears.

The next day...
After school, Subaru came to me and we walked towards the main gate. "Come on. We are going to the café down the road." He started. "Why?"I asked expressionless. "I invited that asshole." He explained. "You what?!" I shouted. "You have to face this. At least know why he ditched you idiot."He continued. I kept mum and walked towards fhe café with him. We waited for them and I looked nervously at the floor. Two people sat down at the seats in front of us and I dare not look up from the floor. "I brought a friend with me today." Subaru said. "Violet, this is Xiao kai,a friend I met online through a game." He acted. "H-hi." I said, not looking at him.

"Nice to meet you." He said rather coldly. "Huh?" He girl beside him said. "Whats the problem?" Subaru asked. "Nothing. He just doesn't usually greet strangers"She continued. "I am Angel." She introduced herself. Xiao kai suddenly stood up and lifted my chin, examining my face. He then let go and regained his sitting posture. "Whats wrong?" Subaru asked again. "Nothing." He replied. "What a waste that the world can't see your beauty because you are looking at the floor." He then continued. How could I bear to look at you?... I questioned him in my mind.

After that, we went back to our respective homes. "He changed so much." I said. We arrived home and aunty said,"Welcome home! Now now there we are expecting someone here tomorrow!" We took off our shoes as she exclaimed again,"One of your friend is comming over because I am going to new york with his mother!" I glared at Subaru and then pulled him into the room. "I just suggested to aunty that she could have fun with her friend and her friend's son can stay with us." He explained. "And that is?!" I shouted. "Don't yell at me, I did nothing wrong!" He yelled back. "You are making this tougher for me!" I shouted back. "You can meet him easily now! You should thank me!" He yelled. I sighed and went to take a bath,slamming the door behind me.

The next day...
Xiao kai really arrived and we welcomed him into the house. He spent most of the time in his room with his ear piece on. He then came out around the evening saying he is going to do some groceries. Subaru was watching and told me to tag along so I went together with him.

Xiao kai's p.o.v...
We took the bus together and she seemed lonely. She looks so familliar and has the same name... but I don't think thats her... she is long gone... I looked at my hand where the ring was supposed to be. I buried it just like how I buried the feelings I had for Violet.I stuffed one of the ear piece in her ear. "This song is good! I used to listen to this everyday." She said. "Have you listened to my other songs too?" I asked. She nodded at we started chatting a little. She is just so easy to talk to.

We entered the supermarket and walked around for the things we want. I wore a mask and a cap as disguises. As for Violet, she is so cute. She squeals at the things she sees and gets excited at the smallest thing possible. "These are the things that can't be bought at NZ(New Zealand)!" She squealed. I didn't want to look like I care so didn't bother asking. We went to the counter to pay and she grabbed a few packets of chocolates, placed them on the conveyor belt and smiled cheekily at me before going off to grab the last bag. I noticed the ring on her hand which was the other one of the pair I gave to Violet!

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