Sample Diary

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Dear Diary,

There is no place no home. There is no place like home. Because home sucks.

I wasn't always like this. Once upon a time I was boring. Most would have even called me sweet. Every day was the same. Get up before the sun with Auntie Em and Uncle Henry and the farmhands. Feed Belinda and the others in their coop. People still  think I was so innocent before and maybe I was but the farm was filled with death.
When I was little I used to make the mistake of befriending the animals only to one day end up with them on the dinner table,  Toto was a gift after that had happened one too many times. And Toto was really my only friend, the other kids made fun of my one nice dress and the other not so nice ones. And when I first came back from Oz, they didn't even believe my story about the Wonderful World of Oz. So when Glinda gave me the chance and the shoes to come back...I knew that it was forever.

But now,  I face Amy again in the place I vowed never to go back to. My gorgeous perfect shoes were never supposed to touch Kansas soil.  But they have. Because of Amy Gumm.

I underestimated her. I had no idea that a girl wearing shoes that ugly or with hair that pink could be at all effective. It's the Witches' fault really. I never imagined they would be able to stick together this long without killing each other. But they have. And they taught that little pink haired girl enough to tear oz, my Oz apart.

And the worst thing is that I am alone for the first time. Alone and back in the place that used to be my home. Since I dropped that house on that witch, I have always had my friends. I may not have always liked them.  But I had them. Tin's heart beat a little too loudly and he could not hide how much he loved me, but I miss that sound now. And the Lion, his roar was too loud,  his muscles too big...and Scare, spouting facts all the time....
I blame Amy Gumm for a lot of things. But I may kill her finally for Kansas. And for the quiet...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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