1⃣2⃣Zodiac Signs(Meanings)

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Zodiac Signs and Their Meanings

March 21 - April 19

They are impulsive and goal-oriented. They are quite short-tempered. They need to understand things quickly and take immediate action. They are self-willed. They are loving and make people around them feel comfortable in their company.

April 20 - May 20

They are passionate and loyal. They are short-tempered but quick to cool down. They are romantic at heart. They prefer to go with their decisions and do not relent to domination so easily. They come across as stubborn and less understanding.

May 21 - June20

Rightly denoted by the symbol, geminis have two facets to their personalities. They are creative. They always crave for knowledge. They are outgoing and quite talkative. They love change. But this can make them deviate from their goals.

June 21 - July 22

People belonging to this sign are calm and peaceful. They have a good understanding of human nature. They are patient and empathetic. They are sentimental but tend to hide their emotions.

July 23 - August 22

Leos are gifted with leadership qualities. They may not be easy to work with, as they tend to dictate terms. Honest and candid, they fight for justice. Contrary to how they seem to be, they are warmhearted.

August 23- September 22

They are analytical. They always strive for perfection and are highly critical. Virgos are best at planning and organizing. You can't expect them to take risks; they are very cautious about every small thing. It's rare to find a Virgo who's an extravert.

September 23 - October 22

They are balanced and thoughtful by nature. They are in constant pursuit of betterment. Their family means the world to them. They are not very comfortable expressing their emotions and can come across as aloof or indifferent.

October 23 - November 21

Scorpios are magnetic. They are intelligent and astute. They are optimistic about life. They have intense and dramatic relationships. Known to belong to the most powerful sign, Scorpios are born to win!

November 22 - December 21

They like to accept challenges and take risks. They are cheerful. They pursue perfection. They are quite philosophical. They believe in learning from experience. They are slightly moody and may come across as less responsible individuals.

December 22 – January 19

Endurance and stamina are characteristic to this sign. Capricorns are active. They think too much sometimes and stress themselves. They may come across as selfish. They may exhibit dark emotions.

January 20 - February 18

They are trustworthy. They believe in the power of truth. They are intellectuals who are immersed in gaining knowledge. They are philosophical by nature and somewhat detached.

February 19 - March 20

They are compassionate and caring in nature. Their friends mean a lot to them. They can go out of their way for the sake of friendship. They believe in living in the present and dealing with situations as and when they come

Tomorrow I will update!!
Mine's GEMINI! How about you guys??

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