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So guys!!! I'm happy to announce that I'm working on 2 stories!!! So I'm going to publish 2 stories as soon as possible!!!!!! YUP! You red that right! Yay😱😆!!! I just thought about that last night! How did you think about that last night, you may ask??!!
So here's what happened..... Last night I went to bed maybe past 11 but I have some sleeping problems ( I think...) so I have slept for about maybe 2 am , something like that! I think it's because I'm was thinking many things ( my brain functions more at night) . I think that's why I can't sleep immediately. So I was thinking creating some made up stories or maybe fanfictions but I'm not good in making made up things so that's when I got the idea to make 2 stories......... I won't give any clues in my upcoming story but I know you all can't wait!.........
So I'll give you just one clue....
_ _ _ _ _ _ - it's not the title or something like that.... It's about the story!!!!!

So guys if you know the clue then just comment it! And vote for this and also my story and don't forget to FOLLOW ME ....
And my other accounts...
Follow me........
back you follow I'll and.............😂😂✌🏻️✌🏻 PLEASEEEEEE!!

So guys if you're wondering what do I really look like well then go and follow me on IG! There you will see what I really look like!!! 😂😂😂😂

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