Chapter 1

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A/N: hey guys this is my first magi fanfiction so please be nice okay? And I'm sorry for the wrong grammars and the ooc of the characters.

Title: Never Again

Rating: T

Anime: Magi

Pairing: Sinbad x Ja'far, Sinja

Genre: Tragedy, Romance

Warning: AU, Cursing, Bad Grammars, Mention of M-Preg, Almost Character Death.

Summary: Sinbad remembered it clearly, when he was still 14 years old, Ja'far was still 10. Their first meeting at the tower found at Imuchakk. When black rukh came out from Mahad, Vittel and Ja'far's body forming a Black Djinn. He remembers it clearly as day and he thought that's it's gone from his adviser's body, he's wrong. Now he will have to pay... no... more likely his adviser will have to the pay price for having that stupid and naïve thought... what happen if something different happen when Judal destroyed barrier surrounding and protecting Sindria? What if Al-Thamen wasn't after Alibaba? Even when they succeeded on conquering Zagan's dungeon, they can never bring someone's back to life, not without its body and rukh missing.

AU: when Judal entered Sindria, Dunya Musta'sim and Isaac didn't went after Alibaba and the others, and the war at the 'Magi: The kingdoms of magic' never happen...

Read and enjoy

Story START!

"Household vessel: Bararaq Sei!" Ja'far shouted attacking Judal who block it with a Borg. Ja'far gasps before Judal attack back with a whirlwind, sending the ex-assassin to the wall behind the latter.

"Get out of the way small fry. I want Sinbad." Judal stated, adding a 'Not,' in his mind. Ja'far swayed a bit while standing up, spitting the blood from his mouth he held his blade at the very end of his wire before growling out.

"What did you say?"

"Stop it, Ja'far." Sinbad ordered, the former blink before kneeling. Judal smirks at the said king.

'He left him at the shadows.' He thought.

"What are you doing here, Judal?" Sinbad ask, demanded. Judal hums in amusement and confusion, while leaning forward.

"Your face looks terrible Sinbad." He said, looking worried and concern. "What's that thing you've got on your face?"

"I'm sure you didn't come here to talk about my face." Sinbad stated... (A/N: AU Starts here)

"You're always so cold." Judal commented before grinning. "However, are you sure it's alright to leave your friend alone?" he taunted, Sinbad's eyes narrowed.

"What do you mean?" he growled out, Judal licks his lip.

"Al-Thamen wants someone, Sinbad. And it's not you but your friends." He answered then Sinbad immediately smirk.

"Well, you and your organization are a bit too late." He said. "Alibaba-kun is on his way to conquer Zagan's Dungeon." He explained immediately Judal smirks.

"Who said that we're after the midget and his king, Sinbad? I said one of your friends, 'long time' friends." The former's eyes narrowed.

'What is he getting at?' the king thought, Judal hummed.

"Actually his vulnerable right about..... now..."

Sinbad blink in confusion before swiftly turning around and look at Ja'far, who is still at the place where Judal's attack threw him and is coughing heavily.

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