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Jiyong was scrolling his twitter's timeline, bored as always, almost chocked with a cookie when he saw a picture of Seungri shirtless. Without thinking he texted him immediately.
callmeGOD: oh shit
callmeGOD: you're hot af
callmeGOD: why didnt i know that?
littlepanda: omg you're making me blush
callmeGOD: and you are cute too
callmeGOD: how can u be cute and hot at the same time?
callmeGOD: jiyong...
littlepanda: what?
callmeGOD: my name is jiyong
callmeGOD: calm down kid
callmeGOD: i think i kinda like you too
callmeGOD: as friend
littlepanda: can we be friend?
callmeGOD: we already are
littlepanda: lets meet up then
littlepanda: we can watch dramas all night long
callmeGOD: you want to spend all night with me?
callmeGOD: are u going to harras me?
littlepanda: OMG NO!
littlepanda: i just wanna have some fun with u
littlepanda: that sounds perverse too
callmeGOD: hahaahhahahaha pervert
littlepanda: i'm not a pervert
littlepanda: i'm a good boy
callmeGOD: this is a song
littlepanda: ik i love that song
callmeGOD: okay gtg rn see ya later pervert kid
littlepanda: HYUNG STOP IT
littlepanda: I'M NOT A PERVERT
littlepanda: see ya later
New chapter!! That pic of seungri is omganiqhgoinfrwg. Just trying to not fangirl too much while writing this chapter with that pic in front of me. Jiyong i feel u how can he be like this? Are they really going to meet each other? Maybe. See ya on the next chapter.