433 21 5

callmeGOD: heyy

littlepanda: hyuuung

callmeGOD: wassup?

littlepanda: i was thinking about u

message not sent

littlepanda: but i didnt want to bother you

message not sent

littlepanda: nothing i'm watching a drama

littlepanda: hbu?

callmeGOD: just laying on my bed

callmeGOD: bored af

callmeGOD: are u really watching a drama?

littlepanda: yeah

littlepanda: whats the problem?

callmeGOD: no problem

callmeGOD: i just like drama as well

littlepanda: really? *cries*

littlepanda: we should do a marathon someday

littlepanda: it would be great

littlepanda: me and you on the couch with popcorn

littlepanda: and...

callmeGOD: are u hitting on me rn?

littlepanda: maybe

callmeGOD: i'm leaving

littlepanda: hyuung no

littlepanda: i was kidding pls

littlepanda: dont leave me

callmeGOD: okay

littlepanda: thanks god

callmeGOD: you're welcome

littlepanda: i didnt mean you -.-

callmeGOD: but i'm GOD

littlepanda: no you're not

littlepanda: dumbass

callmeGOD: but you'd like my dumb ass

littlepanda: are u hitting on me rn?

callmeGOD: maybe...


Nyongtory is rising!! Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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