The Wilds

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I sat up quickly to the sound of the door clicking open which meant someone was here to drop off bread, water, and beef jerky. I placed my bare feet on the damp, cool floor and shuffled over to the door. They opened the tiny peek hole and I am blinded for a few seconds. They shove the tray in and slam the peek hole shut and I am plunged into darkness again. The small light starts to flicker and on comes the familiar orange glow of the dim light bulb on the ceiling. I brought the tray to my cot and ate my meal. I have gotten used to the smell and darkness of the room. I have grown used to the loneliness and have forgotten what my voice sounded like.
I have been in the crypts for about 1 month now and I still can't believe what my parents did.
I had a friend named Jade. She asked to join her and her secret so called "lover" in the woods across town. I did because she would of done the same for me. Or so I thought. When we met him there she knew that there were regulators hiding and pushed me toward her boyfriend. Since it was dark He thought I was her and kissed me passionately on the lips. It was a total shock for I have never even touched a boy before besides my father. Jade ended up running back home leaving me with the boy to get caught. I was taken home where they explained the incident with my parents. My parents were appalled and didn't even want to look at me for fear they would catch the disease that I didn't have. They ended up sending me to the crypts. because I broke curfew and was caught with a boy. Instead of moving my procedure up a few dates to get me cured, they sent me away. So now I am left here abandoned in this smelly room that is pitch black most of the time. I don't think I could forgive my parents for doing this to me or Francis for doing what she did.
There was a knock on the door and then it burst opens. There is a boy not much older than me. He had scruffy dirty blonde hair, a square jaw line and broad shoulders.
"Get up!" He orders. I slowly get up making sure I don't get up to fast or else I might black out a little.
The boy definitely didn't work here.
"Who are you?" I croak
"I'll tell you later. We need to leave now." He says grabbing my arm and pulling me out the door. My legs were weak from just sitting on the cot for days. He ran down the hall pulling me after him. We swivel in and out of hallways. All of them looking the same but this boy looked like he knew where to go. We reach the end of the hallway and run to the stairwell.
"Okay Rocky we are at the stairwell. You can set them off now." He says into a walkie talkie on his shoulder.
"Get down." He says pushing me to the corner and crouching down so that he is completely covering me with his body. I feel a couple explosions and the boy grunts falling forward onto me even more. We stay like that for a minute and then he gets up and grabs my arm bringing me up the stairwell and trough a large gaping hole in be wall. He pushes me through then jumps out.
"What is going on?" I say my throat scratchy from not talking for so long. I realize its night time and the moon is shining down and the stars twinkling. I missed seeing the stars and sky.
"We are helping you escape to the wilds. There were only four on your floor and you all were scheduled to be... Killed tomorrow evening." He says hesitating before saying killed.
"We need to move now the fence is off but only for a couple minutes." He says sprinting to the fence. I follow but struggle to keep up. We arrive at the fence. He starts climbing.
"I can't." I squeal. The boy looks down at me and gives me a questioning look.
"So you would rather die than be free?" He chuckles
"Ugh. Fine I really don't want to do this." I say climbing the path the boy took. We reach the top when the guards start arriving. They start shooting at us. I feel something graze my side right where my ribcage ends. It's stings and I end up falling the rest of the way down on the other side landing hard on my feet. I feel pain shoot up my left leg and I can't walk on it. I start limping to catch up with the boy who is getting farther and farther away.
I then hear another bullet whiz past my ear. I start picking up my pace. By this time I lost sight of the boy. I just keep trudging forward. Then two arms come from behind a tree pulling me behind it. I see the familiar scruffy blonde hair and relax a little.
"Oh my god. Shit. What happened!" He says pushing aside my jacket and pulling up my shirt a little to see my gash.
"It grazed me and then I feel off and hurt my leg." I manage to get out. Then black out from the pain.
I go in and out of conscious.
I feel someone carrying me.
Then I slip back out.
When I finally wake up. I am laying down on top of a blanket and have a jacket over me. I attempt to lift my head up but get too dizzy. It's mid day and the sun is beating through the tree canopy.

The Wilds (Based on Lauren Olivers Delirium Series)Where stories live. Discover now