The Attack

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By the time Me and Oaks made it back to my hut Parlor and Milly were inside sitting on the floor talking.

"Hey are we not going to go bury that little frog?" I ask sitting on my bed.

"We were waiting for you but you took to long. Ryder took us instead. He found the perfect place." Milly squeals. Parlor just nods.


"Well I have to get back before curfew. See you all later!" Oaks says.


"Goodnight Oaksy!" Parlor says running up to him and giving him a hug. I almost forgot they were brother and sister.


When Oaks left we all changed into our sleepwear. I threw on my black leggings and a blue oversized hoodie. Parlor was wearing a big t-shirt that went past her knees and Milly had a long sleeve pink shirt and gray sweatpants.


There was a fire place on the far wall made out of brick and stone. "Are we allowed to use this? I feel like its a little drafty in here." I say.


"Yeah we never use it  though! We aren't allowed to play with fire but I guess since we have a big person in our hut we can!" Says Milly pulling out a box of matches while Parlor goes outside returning with some logs. I pile the logs into a pyramid just like my father used to do in the winters. I spark the match and the fire comes to life.


"Woah!" I hear them say. Milly pulls her quilt over near the fire and lays down on the ground. We all sit down in a circle on her quilt and we just talk. We talked and talked about different things like their secret adventures, their different pets and of course the cute boy whose name is Reese. He was 12 and had bleach blonde shaggy hair. He lived at the other homestead a little ways south of here. Apparently in the winter we move to a different homestead where its warmer and safer. I ended up braiding Parlor's hair and French braiding two braids into Milly's. I wanted to ask how they got here but  held back. I thought it would be to personal.


*****1 month later*****


Its been 1 month since I arrived at the homestead and I was starting to fit in. I was stuck on kitchen duty for the past month to let my ankle heal and was extremely bored. Every now and then Oaks would come in and help when he had a day off or would just sit on the counter complaining about Dodge and his weird routines. His job didn't switch he was always helping dodge with the twins and Ryder. I still have no idea what they do but they always come in sweating and tired for dinner.


"Okay listen up everyone Its time for the harvest! We are leaving in approximately two weeks." Dodge says standing in front of everyone. He called a meeting after dinner.

"We sectioned you into three groups hunters, gatherers, and packers." He says, "the hunters will be the usual group. Gathers will be the farmers plus Sky. And the packers will be Rose, rainy, and some of the elders." He says placing the clipboard with the assignments on the table.

"We start tomorrow bright and early." He says leaving. Followed by most of the other people in the dining hut.. Everyone wanted to get a good nights sleep before tomorrow.

"Look who got promoted." I hear Oaks says sitting down next to me.

"Yeah. I finally get to go down to the ground! You know I have been stuck up here for a month!" I say getting up to clear off the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2014 ⏰

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