Mystery Weekend Surprise

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Jamie's pov
"Natalie, sweetie? Time to get up honey." I brush my beautiful daughters hair out of her face as she stirs in her sleep. "Da-ad, it's saturday! Why am I awake at like 5am?" Natalie's grumbles are muffled by her blankets which she pulled above her head. I chuckle as I scoop her up and carry her downstairs, placing her in a chair in the dining room. I head into the kitchen and bring out her plate of pancakes topped with strawberries, chocolate sauce, whipped cream and sprinkles. Just the way she likes it. Her eyes go wide as I place them in front of her and give her a kiss on the forhead, "I love you so much sweetheart." She smiles as she picks up her fork and knife, "I love you too, Daddy." My heart swells in my chest as I hear those words and I head down the hall to wake up the other sleepyhead.

I lean down and give Cathy a kiss on her soft, perfect lips, "Cathy, baby, you gotta get up. I have a big surprise for my two favourite girls today." She stirs in her sleep before her eyes open fully, "a surprise?" I chuckle at her tired voice before nodding and sitting down next to her. She smiles that sweet smile and leans in closer. Her head is nuzzled into my neck as she mumbles sweet nothings. "Come on, Cathy, jump on my back and I'll carry you out." She climbs on my back and I place her down next to Natalie before bringing out here pancakes, exactly the same as our beautiful daughters.

"Smile girls!" They're caught by surprise as I snap a photo of their messy haired, pyjama-wearing selves. "Jamie! Delete that I look terrible!" I walk over to Cathy and give her a peck on the cheek, "Well, I think you look adorable. Both of you. Now time for you to both go and get dressed because it's time for our fun mystery weekend to begin! Go!" The girls run off to their rooms and I follow Cathy to get dressed as well.

Natalie's pov
I rummage through my closet for my favourite outfit. I have a feeling today is going to be super special so I need to look nice for when I scrapbook it. I pull out my denim, sleevless dress and a pair of white socks with lace at the top. I pull the front section of my hair off my face and lace a ribbon around it before tying it in a bow. "Mum? Can you curl my hair?" I look up at her with big eyes, she laughs, "sure come into my bathroom and we'll curl the ends."

Once Mum is finished my hair I race out to the living room and pull on my black converse. Soon enough Mum and Dad are ready and we're heading out the door, "oh wait!" I race into my room and grab my camera, slinging the strap over my neck. I run back out to the door, "okay I'm ready." I grin at my parents who both place a hand on my back as we head out the door and for once we actually feel like a real family.

Cathy's pov
We're all piled into the car with Jamie driving, "Da-ad where are we going?" Natalie is beyond excited for the surprise Jamie has. I link hands with Jamie as he continues to drive, "you'll see." I chuckle as I turn around and smile at Natalie. To tell the truth I have no idea what Jamie's plans are but it's good to ses him spending time with our baby girl.

We pull into a carpark and I grin at Jamie, "Disneyland? Best surprise ever!" I kiss him on the cheek before I begin to collect my things. I step out of the car and walk around to Natalie's door. I open it to find her sound asleep. I place a light kiss on her forhead and caress her cheek, "Nat, look where Daddy's brought us." Her eyes flutter open and as soon as she realises where we are a contagious grin spreads across her face and she hugs her father tighter than she ever has before. "Let's go, shall we?" I grab my daughters and my husbands hands and tug them along excitedly to the entrance.

We made our way around the theme park in a clockwise direction, saving Fantasy Land for last. We ventured through Adventure Land, New Orleans Square, Critter Country and Frontierland before heading over to explore the other side where we found Tomorrowland and Mickey's Toon Town. By the time we reached Fantasyland the air was starting to get cold as the sun was about to start setting. Fantasyland was evidently Natalie's favourite. You could tell by the amount of photos she took. She took a lot of photos normally, but when she really liked a place the camera barely moved from her face. I'm glad she picked up the hobby.

We're standing in front of the huge castle when I'm pulled out of my motherly, doting gaze. Jamie pulls my hips closer to him, leaning his forehead on mine. I smile at him, "are you enjoying yourself?" He asks, looking very proud of himself, "every minute of it. Today has been perfect and I can almost bet you that tonight will be perfect too." I giggle as he picks me up, spinning me around before kissing me softly on the lips, "I love you very much, Cathy." I smile at the words as he returns me to the ground, " I love you more."

Natalie's pov
I turn to snap some photos of the castle when I see Mum and Dad. They're so close and they look so in love. I snap a couple of photos as Dad twirls Mum around, these are going on a very special page of my photo album. Mum comes up to me smiling, "ready to go, princess?" I curtsey mockingly, "why of course maddame." We laugh as we link arms. I turn around to see Dad looking at his phone and I stop walking, "Dad? Are you going to come and get ice-cream at Trabadour Tavern with us?" Dad stands there for a while before walking towards us slowly. I turn away as he kneels down in front of me, placing his hand on my shoulder, "It's fine. Just go to work, Aunty Beca will pick Mum and I up." I snap at him bitterly already knowing what he's going to say, "I'm so sorry, sweety." He stands up and I hear him apologising to Mum before giving her a kiss and walking away.

Sorry this took soo long to write, I didn't really know where I was going but it's all done now. I must admit I have a small (massive) obsession with Disney but I've never been to any of the theme parks so I thought I'd incorporate that also I just kinda wanted to make a Disney photo edit with that L5Y still. Anyways, hope you're enjoying!
Xx H

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