Stage Fright

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Cathy's pov
I knock quietly on Beca's door. It's 7:30am and I've come to pick up Natalie for school. Of course, Jamie didn't pick her up last night and I fell asleep before he came home. Becs would've covered for me though. The door opens showing Natalie with beautifully curled hair and a gorgeous new dress, "Princess! You look amazing!" She runs up and hugs me. Turning around she gives her aunty one last hug and slings her arm around my waist before following me out to the car. "So Aunt Beca told me that you have exciting news?" I smile as I visibly get excited but then she slumps back, "Sweetie, what's wrong?" She looks over at me, "well, it's good and bad news." She says as she looks out the window. "Well go on then." I edge her on to talk about it, though she does look a little uncomfortable. "You see, I auditioned for this part in the school musical, I auditioned for the part of Cinderella." She glances over at me, "go on." I smile reassuringly as she looks at her hands, "well Teddy is playing Prince Charming but, Mum, he has a crush on me. Well- I think he does." I chuckle under my breath, boy troubles. "Well is that such a bad thing? It's just a crush. It doesn't mean that you have to date him. Unless you want to, of course." She smiles a little, "yeah, I guess so."

1 month later
"Mum, will Dad be coming to watch me perform tonight?" I look over at my daughter all ready in her costume, "of course, princess. We've got reserved seats and everything." She grins, "oh good! Well I have to go and get my hair and make up done!" She squeals in excitement and hugs me tight, "good luck, Princess." I whisper, giving her a small kisss on the head before she runs off and disapears into the dressing room. I pull out my phone and text Jamie, "where the hell are you?!? Get here NOW!" I scowl as I put my phone away and take my seat.

Natalie's pov
I stand behind the curtain, quivering from the nerves. I hear the music begin to play which means the curtains are about to open and everyone will be watching me. Including my father. I sneak a peak of the audience from behind the curtains. There are heaps of people out there, everyone's parents. That's when I see two empty seats with signs on them, I squint to read them. 'Reserved, Mr & Mrs Heit.' I take a few steps back and run.

I push through the back doors and the cold air hits my face. That's when I realise I'm crying. "Natalie! Natalie wait!" I stop and turn around standing there under the street lamp is my Prince Charming, Teddy. I wipe my face and run back to him, hugging him tight. "I can't do it. I can't go out there."
"Nat what's wrong?"
I take a few deep breaths as Teddy holds me close, "she said that they'd be here." My voice cracks and I begin to sob again.

"Where is she? What's wrong?" The back door to the theatre slams open and I see my mother, "Mum!" I push out of Teddys arms and run to her. She envelopes me in a warm hug, "I thought you were gone. Mum, I'm scared. What if I mess up?" She smiles and wipes aways my tears, "you won't sweetheart. You were born to play this role, you're my Princess." I smile and hug her again, "is Dad here?" She looks at the floor before back at me, "he will be. He promised. Now let's go fix your make up." I smile and nod as we race into the dressing rooms.

The show goes smoothly and the final chord rings out. I move to the front for my bow, I see my mother standing on her feet, clapping wildly. And then, an empty chair beside her. The door slams open as I stand there, I look up and there's my father holding a boquet of flowers. He looks flustered and sweaty. I muster a small smile and then take my bow with Teddy.

"You were amazing tonight, Natalie!" I smile at the small huddle of girls around me, "no way, you guys were the real stars!" I say nicely and with that they all giggle and walk away. I head into the dressing room and take off all my make up. I quickly change out of my costume and pack up all my stuff before heading out to meet my Mum. I push through the heavy doors to be met by a crowded room full of proud parents trying to get to their kids. "Natalie!" I turn at the sound of my fathers voice, he reaches me and smiles, "you were amazing!" He grins as he holds out the bouquet of flowers. I scoff, "like you'd know. Dad, I know you missed my performance." He stares at me in disbelief. How does he think I didn't notice?! "Thanks for taking time out of work to see me bow." I say as I turn on my heels and walk away.

Jamie's pov
I finally finish typing the last chapter of my newest novel. I check the time, I know Natalie's thing starts at 6. 5:30, heaps of time for me to proofread this chapter and be out the door. I go through the chapter scavanging for mistakes. This story has to be perfect. This story is going to be dedicated to my family, my gorgeous, talanted family. My wife who is a loving mother and my daughter who is going to be a wonderful lawyer. This story cannot have ANY mistakes. I finally finish proofreading and I check the time, 8 o'clock? How the hell did it get so late? I gather up my stuff and dash out the door, picking up the flowers I bought for Natalie.

I burst through the door of the theatre only to find my daughter, centre stage taking her bow. And with a boy. I stand there, I'd run three blocks because everywhere was parked out and I still missed everything. The lights come up and all the children I walk up to find a very angry Cathy. "I promised her you would be here. I swore and you let me down again. You let her down again. How could you do that?" She looks me over as I fumble around my brain for an excuse, "forget it." She mumbles and walks out.

Hey guys! Sorry that it's been like forever, just got really busy with school and stuff. Anyways, I've been reading all your lovely comments and I realised that my original story that this one is sort of originated from has 6k views, what? So thankyou if you read that! And thanks for the comments, means a lot!
Hope you're all enjoying
xx H

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