Chapter 7

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So, I go back to school on Tuesday ;-; ugh, I'm going to be a freshman. On the bright side though, I did get the classes I wanted :D (theater, photography, and piano in case you were wondering c;) but with that said, I may not post as often, but don't worry, I'll try to make the chapters as good as possible, anyway, enjoy this chapter! 

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Instagram: Baylee.Dunn
Twitter: @Baylxx
Tumblr: Baylxx
Snapchat: Bayleed123


I let out a groan and dug around in the messy bed covers in search of my phone. I clicked off the alarm and stared at the ceiling not wanting to get up yet, no light sprayed out from behind the curtain, meaning it was still dark out, and a very inappropriate time to wake up. The little voice in my head kept nagging me to get up or I would miss my flight. With a large sigh, I sat up and rubbed my eye trying to wake myself up. A banging from the door sounded and then Cat, Dan, and Phil, walked in just as groggy and sleepy as me. Phil walked in last and turned on the light.

“No, turn it off.” I slumped back into the heaps of pillows the hotel provided.

“Come on, we got up this early for you.” Cat pulled all of the blankets off my body, I whimpered and curled into a ball trying to keep myself warm.

“Get up curly, we got to get you to the airport.” Dan pulled my arm so I got up again

“Don’t call me curly, Howell.” I narrowed my eyes at him, “My hair isn’t even that curly today.” I mumbled grabbing clothes and walking into the bathroom. I looked at my reflection then just put a button up plaid shirt on over the black tank top I was already wearing. I took off my polka dot PJs and shimmied into some dark wash jeans. My hair was curly in some spots and wavy in some others, I scrunched my nose in disgust, grabbing the beanie off the counter I placed by the sink and put it on my head. I leaned closer to the mirror and looked at my nose, the swelling had gone down a lo, you could barely tell. It’s been 5 days so I guess that’s good. My wrist still hurt quite a bit though.

Playlist had been a lot of fun, but now I have to go to Idaho.


School, back to my regular schedule, no Cat, Dan, or Phil to hang out with. Just the same old routine.

Make at least one video a week; work at the coffee shop, school, and repeat.

I leaned against the counter and turned on the tap splashing my face to wake myself up.

“Baylee we need to go!” Cat knocked on the door, I dried my face and walked out. I slipped on my black Vans and ran around my room checking to make sure I got everything. I got my guitar, my backpack with laptop and camera, Penny Board, and my suitcase.

“Okay, let’s roll.” I yawned.

We piled all my junk in the backseat and hopped in the small rental car. Cat decided to drive this time, Florida scenery whirled past us and we talked mindless chatter on the way there. Dan, and Phil were set to leave later that day, and Cat tomorrow.

“We’re here.” Cat parked the car in unloading area, they got me a cart and loaded all of my stuff on it.

“Well, I guess this is goodbye.” Phil came up to me and hugged me tight.

“Whoa Phil, I’m not dying.” I laughed hugging him back.

“I know, but I’m just going to miss you, like, a lot.” His voice was muffled by my hat.

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