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Ryan starts up the game of Twister and you awkwardly sit down on the couch beside Selena. Give me a reason not to punch this girl right now..

"Okay. Come on." Justin says as he stands with his hands on his hips, ready to play. "We're so lame for this." You giggle. "Hey, you used to play this all the time!" Ryan snaps. You giggle some more and walk over to the guys and stand in front of the Twister mat.

"You guys can play, I'll just spin the arrow for y'all." Selena yawns.

"Are you sure babe." Justin replies.

"Yeah, I'm pretty tired from the flight anyways so." Selena says and lets out that laugh of hers.

"Alrighty then. I'll go first." Ryan says clapping his hands. Selena spins the arrow and he waits for what postion he's told to be on.

"Right hand green." Selena says.

Ryan grunts and places his right hand on the green circle on the mat.

"Babe, you next?" Selena asks Justin. "Sure." Justin replies. She spins the arrow and he gets left foot yellow. When it was your turn, Selena tells you to place your left foot on red. You stand in front of Justin and Justin lets out a moan. "Nice way to start the game." Justin whispers to you since you were standing right next to him. You felt your cheeks blush and try to hide your face.

Minutes passed and you all find yourselves twisted up with each other.

"Left hand yellow." Selena says to Justin.

Once he placed his hand on yellow, you notice that Justin is now facing you. You see his face turning red and both of you were in very awkward postions.

"Hi." He smiles.

"Hi." You laugh.

"I don't think I can hold much longer." Justin's says.

"Same here." You reply.

"Right foot red." Selena says to Ryan. Ryan moves his right foot on red and happens to put his ass in front of you and Justin's face. Your face turns red from embarrassment and Justin starts chuckling at the sight.

"Guys. If you smell something funky it's not me i swear." Ryan says.

You and Justin burst into laughter and your knees begin to feel weak. You fall down causing Ryan to fall along with Justin. The guys lay on top of you and you groan at their weight.

"Dude lets pull a sandwich on *yn*!" Justin tells Ryan. 

Ryan and Justin begin to squish into you and you sqeal. "Get off me!" You yell. The guys get off of you after a while of begging and Justin helps you up your feet.

"Okay. I'm going to bed. Goodnight guys." Selena says while standing up from the couch and walks over to Justin. She kisses Justin's cheek and you feel Ryan's eyes immediately dart at you. "Are you coming?" She asks Justin. "Nah not right now. I'm gonna hang with these guys for a little more." Justin says and sends you a winks.

After bonding and spending some time with the guys for a bit in the living room, Ryan stands up from the couch and stretches. "Guys, I'm gonna dip. I'll see you both later." Ryan says and winks at you.

You look away immediately, hoping Justin didn't see that. What an idiot. Why would he do that.  "Alright, I'll walk you out." Justin says and stands up to his feet and walks him to the door. Finally, some alone time with Justin.

You look around the living room and hear Justin closing the front door. Justin steps back into the living room and sits right next to you on the couch. Justin wraps his arm behind your neck and dangles his hand onto your shoulder.

"So what has my girl been up to?" Justin asks and smiles at you.

"The usual." 

"Ohhh...any boys?" 

Wow. So quick to ask about boys. Interesting.

"Nah." you reply.

"Come on *yn* there has to be someone. I mean look at you. You're beautiful, talented, caring, sweet, smart, cute..." Justin says and your eyes meet with his.

Your cheeks flush and you freak out inside when you realized how close he was to you. 

"Well, there is this one guy..." You confess.

"Really?" Justin says curiously. "What's his name?"

"Nuh uh. No way am I telling you!" You laugh.

"Come on!" Justin cooed.

"So how are you and Selena?" You ask looking away. Justin looks down at you with a serious face.

"You think you can just get rid of the subject by talking about me and Selena." Justin says. Your eyes meet with his again and you can't help but notice how beautiful his eyes are. The color of caramel filled his eyes and they were just so sparkly. "I think I should head home." You whisper and stand up from the couch and Justin gently grabs your hand.


"I should really be heading home." You reply quietly.

"*yn* it's 10:58 pm. I'm not letting you drive at this hour. Just sleepover" Justin says and looks at you with a serious face.

You think its so cute how he worries about you. But you literally live a minute away while driving. "Justin I live right around the block." You giggle. Justin stays quiet and pretends he didn't hear that.

"Please." He smiles.

"Alright." You sigh. "Hold on, I gotta text my mom to fill her in." You tell Justin as he releases your hand. You pull our your phone to text your mom that you'll be crashing at Justin's for the night and put your phone away.

"Now come back over here!" Justin says in a deep voice and motions you to him with his pointer finger. You laugh and sit back down beside him on the couch. You've never met any boy that made you laugh as much as Justin did.

Justin pulls your body closer to him until your shoulders touched. He starts to play with a little piece of string hanging down from your denim shorts and you can tell he has something on his mind.

"I missed you Justin."

Justin looks at you and smiles.

"I missed you too." Justin says.

You lay your head on his shoulder and he continues to play with the string from your shorts, twirling the string around his finger.

"So are you going to tell me that kids name that you like?" Justin asks.


"Didn't think so." Justin says laughing.

You pull out your phone to check if your mom replied from the text and she didn't. Your eyes scim over to the time on your phone and it was 11:11 pm. Justin sees the time on your phone and gasps.

"Make a wish." He says closing his eyes.

You giggle as you watch Justin make his wish and then close your eyes. You really don't need to make a wish. Everything you want is sitting right beside you.

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