Can dreams become true?

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      6 months passed and we were still dating in secret .. though it was really tough as we couldn't meet often due to his busy schedules , but i managed to meet him by faking some situations sometimes .

        Spring came ... and it's time for the famous *cherry blossom *. Every couple wants to see it with their partners but for me it was nothing but normal days . That day he called me at night . He was really tired after attending one concert . I didn't want to bother him as he was tired but he insisted to talk . While talking i just casually told him i wanted to go to see cherry blossom . He became silent for a moment till i asked him whether he is asleep or not . Then he said " you know i can't go with you , i am really sorry for that .. if you want to see it so badly then you can go with your friends you know!!" I was shocked and said "ok" . But inside me somewhere i wanted to complain that " why can't you say that you also want to see it .. i know you can't go with me ... but you can at least say  that you also want to go " . Then i told him to go to sleep and hanged the phone . After some days one of my friend from India came to visit Korea and asked me to come and see the cherry blossom with him and i wante him to show some good places as well. As he was my best friend i went with him without a second thought . And i want to not bother about sehun at all for some reason at that time . 

                         So we both went to the Gyeongsangnam-do (cherry blossom festival happens there) to experience the cherry blossom for the first time in our life . But while entering Gyeongsangnam-do  i heard some people were talking about a performance by  some famous idol group . As i love concert and i want my friend to experience a kpop concert we have decided to go there  as well .. It was late when the concert started .. i was really excited for the concert as it was a surprise concert . Then concert started and suddenly EXO members came out of blue from the audience . And due to my (BAD/good ..i didn't know that time) luck SEHUN came from behind me as was  surprised i  held into my friend. But SEHUN was in front of me while we were holding each other . I felt a thunder shock . And i was stone at that time . My  friend was calling me but my ears were numb too, that i couldn't hear him calling my name . Then i felt something is going wrong here and grabbed my friend and left the concert like a bullet . My heart was beating really fast that i couldn't even breathe . 

                    It was time for SEHUN's call but i didn't get any call so i tried calling him . But he didn't pick my call . I was devastated . I was doubting about his misunderstanding about me and friend .Though it was nothing going on between us i wanted to explain every single thing to him but he didn't give me any chance to explain things .  Then he started avoiding me as well . He didn't talk .. he didn't listen to me at all . And told his manager to not allow me to meet him . "isn't this too much !! i mean i should get a chance to explain as well .." So i have to spend my days getting hurt by his behavior  and by getting ignored by sehun where i couldn't do anything . 

                    One month passed like this. Then one day one of my friend said there is news about scandal of sehun with one girl group idol. And whole world had broken down . At least a little hope was left in me and that was also gone with in a fraction of seconds after hearing the scandal news . I broke down badly, as i have never faced those kind of situation in my whole life . And all my hopes were vanished in a blink . 

                   Another month passed like that . My manager said i have to go to translate for an idol on a show . Which reminded me of EXO , but as there was no hope and it was impossible to meet EXO due to sehun's restriction about my visit .. i went with out knowing for whom i have to translate . I reached the broadcast center . Staffs told me to get inside the idol's waiting room . So i got inside and said "anyeonghaseyo" with bow (korean style) . After i stand straight and looked at the idol's face  and turned into a stone . It was SEHUN . I tried to control my emotions and told myself "it's ok .. it's over now .. nothing is going to change anyway ..From the starting it was an impossible relationship .. which was never going to be successful " . I have gathered my strength and smiled at him and talked to him in a casual way like nothing happened between us. I felt that he was shocked but he tried to act normal as well . So he explained me about show . Time for the show i was trying my best to do my job with a straight face on . At that time unconsciously he turned his face on me and the distance was about 3cm . We both were surprised andboth backed off at a time . It reminded me of the past and i got more emotional without my consciousness a drop of tear came out from my eyes . But i wiped out before someone notices and pretended nothing happened  . Show was over one of the show guests called me told me to pass the msg that she wants meet sehun after they change their outfits . So i went to sehun's waiting room and knocked the door .. got a reply to get in .. went inside ..sehun was standing in front of the mirror . " ufff~~ how can he look  so sexy in this situation *_*" . I  told him the guest wants to meet him . He said ok . Then may be i was waiting for some other reply but there was none so i said " Ok then i am leaving " . He gave me a strange look .. a really sad look (TT) . Which i was not able to tolerate . So i turned around and started going towards the door. Then suddenly sehun gave me a back hug (KYAAA~~ *_*). I was surprised . He locked the door and grabbed my hand and started shouting at me " why did you do this to me ? I loved you so much , that i wanted to give you everything you wanted . I even wanted to go to see cherry blossom with you , though it is really difficult for me . Why .. why did you do this to me . You are really a bitch .. You will never be happy in your life ??? if you are going to that to me then why did you even started? .. how can you do this to me ...??" .............. I crashed while crying and he was so angry and shouting at me .. " how can he say bitch to me ?" Then i got angry as well and screamed .. " what did you do then??.. did you try to talk to me about that ? do you know who is he ? and why am i with him? did you try to understand that?.... you didn't even listened to me.. He was my best friend who came to Korea first time for work and asked me to show some good places so i took him there .. if you are calling me bitch for that then call me that.. i don't care anymore .. now you have a new girlfriend as well .. live well .. good luck  " then i tried  to leave the room at that time  sehun grabbed my hand and kissed me .. i was protesting but he was not at all leaving me .. Then i pushed him back .. and left the room while crying .. "god why this is happening to me ? what did i wrong ? why ? why ? " I cried a lot that day .. but after that i felt  a little good as i cleared the misunderstanding at least .. On that night sehun called me .. but i didn't pick the call ..still somewhere in my heart i wanted to talk to him. Next day when i went to office my colleagues were gossiping about me as they might  have noticed me and sehun in that waiting room. My manager called me and asked me about that and warned me if this will happen one more time then he will fire me.  Again i got call the next day from sehun . Rumors were going strong . My sns accounts had been loaded with hate messages and threats . Even outside my house fans were sending threats to me .. due to which i have to move my house as well .  I was going through depression .

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