Oh dear!!

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Once you woke up you got out of bed bit noticed Sebastian was already awake and In the shower. I got up and walked to the room I was staying on. When I got there I picked out a F/C dress and flats to match, then quickly got in the shower.
Time skip~~~
I was walking through the halls of the large manor to wake up the young mistress. When I arrived to her room I quietly opened the door to see she was not in her room. It looked like the bed hadn't even been slept in. I continued to walk in the halls checking every room until Sebastian saw me. " Y/N I have something to show you." Without another word he grabbed your hand and took you to a room that looked like the young master. He quietly opened the door and what you saw inside was shocking.The young mistress and The young master were cuddling but the shocking part is they were both naked luckily a blanket was covering their naked bodies. You giggled quietly to yourself at the sight."That explains that noise I was hearing last night" Sebastian whispered. You nodded as you saw Lillian shuffle in her sleep, Ciel holding onto her tighter. Sebastian looked at you telling you it was time to wake them up. You and Sebastian slowly approached the young couple tapping them to wake them up. " Y/N what time is I- ahhhhh!! C-ciel " said Lillian quickly grabbing the sheets to cover herself. " L-Lillian wha- D-did we- ahh!! Lily l-let's talk about this when we're both dressed." Lillian slowly nodded as you picked her up bridal style making sure to keep the sheet over her and taking her into her room. "Y-Y/N  will you please go get me some tea" she said. You nodded and walked out of her room going into the kitchen. There you saw Sebastian preparing two strawberry cakes setting them on different trays. You decided to also make tea for the young master. While pouring the water in the cups you spilled some on your finger. "Ow!" You said grabbing your finger. " Y/N what happened" said Sebastian quickly rushing to your side. " I-it's nothing I just burned my finger while pouring the water"  Sebastian sighed. "Your such a klutz Y/N" Sebastian said putting your burned finger in his mouth. You blushed

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2016 ⏰

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