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My cheeks heat up from the weight of his stare. I quickly whip around to the front. Why is he looking at me like that? He has no reason to look at me like that. I chance another glance over my shoulder to see if he's still looking at me. Yap, eyes still intently locked on me. Stop! I yell internally hoping he's somehow telepathic. Wait, no, I really hope he's not telepathic because if he is then that would mean he can read my thoughts and hear what I'm thinking about him. And that would be totally not good.

His eyes are too damn pretty and alluring for his own good. I watch as a slow smirk plays on his lips. Oh Lord! Don't do that! How is it possible he becomes even hotter? Are those dimples? Hot damn! I watch as two small indentions hollow out on both cheeks, drawing my eyes to his gorgeous row of pearly white teeth. I'm in deep shit now. I don't even think it's humanly possible to look that good while smiling.

I watch as he leans forward to whisper in my ear. I feel his warm breath on my neck as he says, "Hey, I'm Grayson." Oh God. His voice can melt the panties off any hot blooded women. The deep timber of his voice sends chills through my body.

"I-uh. I'm Sarah." I say, cringing at my breathy stutter. Gosh, way to go Sarah. Sound like you suffer from  a mild case of asthma. I'm usually never at a loss for words, but something about him has me tongue-tied. Maybe it's the way he looks at me, like he wants to strip away every layer from me until I'm bare and vulnerable, until he knows everything about me. But why in the hell is he looking at me like this? I am in no way something that special. Sure, I have somewhat of a sob story, and I can do some decent card tricks, but what the hell? No one has ever looked at me like this. Average story, average looks.

I say it so softly I'm not sure he hears me until he says, "Pretty name." I'm caught off guard by his statement and turn around to look at him fully. It's an average name, over used really.

"Not really. Could've been named Delilah, Brandi, Blair, something a little more exciting." I say with a chuckle.

" want a stripper name?" He asks with a boyish smile that makes his eyes sparkle and a quirked eyebrow.

"Sure. Why not? It'd give me some sex appeal and I wouldn't have to get a fake name if I decided to become a stripper." I say with a self-deprecating laugh.

"You don't think you have sex appeal?" He asks looking completely perplexed by my statement.

I snort as I reply, "Not at all. No one wants a girl whose filled to the brim with dorkiness. Which isn't saying much considering I'm only 5'3."

His look turns thoughtful, then a smile spreads across his face showcasing his glorious dimples."I think it's cute. Your height I mean. Almost like you could be used as my own personal armrest."

"Ha-Ha. Very funny." I'm about to add something else but I'm cut off by the teacher declaring the start of class.

Holy crap! When had that happened? It feels like only seconds ago we had started talking. Somehow ten minutes has past without me noticing. I quickly turn back to the front with one last parting smile. He's dangerous. Make you want to forget your name dangerous. He's the guy your mom warns you about and the guy your dad threatens with a shotgun.

It's the mystery those baby blues hold that draw me in. His past is most likely littered with thousands of broken hearts. I bet he can break a girls heart in 2.5 seconds with his blue eyes, muscular build, and dimples. He sure as hell can break mine, but he won't of course because he won't think of me like that, they never do. Sarah, the girl most likely to be friend zoned. Literally. That's what my high school voted me as. Let's just say people can be real dicks.

Also I won't allow myself to get hurt by him. Been there, done that, don't want a repeat. High school hadn't been the best time of my life. Sure it hadn't been all bad, teachers loved me, honors student, had a best friend. Notice how I say had. I'm pretty sure when you catch your "best friend" fucking your boyfriend behind the bleachers she's relegated to "the bitch you use to talk to."

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