New Beginnings

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The cool Autumn air assaults my senses as I walk out of my small town house off campus. And when I say small, I mean small. I don't even think it can be considered a house. The one bedroom, one bath home will never be something to desire, but it's better than a dorm and having to deal with a roommate who doesn't clean up their shit. It's also fairly cheap, seeing as though I'm the only one living in it. Only $100 a month, I think yes. Sure there's a draft, the WIFI sucks, and the hot water heater doesn't work half the time but it does it's job. Gives me a place to sleep and study in peace.

I pull the hood of my black hoodie up to try and block out some of the cold. I'm still trying to get use to the Seattle climate, seeing as though I literally moved across the country to get here I should have prepared for a drastic climate change. Where as Missouri still had the warm summer lingering some times well into October this was hard to get use to. I mean c'mon it was barely even August yet! And me being the idiot that I am, picked all morning classes. My first class starts in 30 minutes, AP writing, which is located on the other side of campus. At least all the walking will give me a nice ass. I mean it better because if all this walking is for nothing then I will be pissed. If it doesn't burn off my extra body fat then I'm a lost cause. I'm in no means fat but I'm not skinny either. Just have a little curve to me is all.

The rest of my trek across campus is spent analyzing the students mingling around campus, people chatting with friends and others, presumably freshman, walking frantically around trying to find their classes. I'm a freshman as well, but unlike them I took the time to map out every route to get to and from classes, picking the most efficient. The long walk also gives me time to go over my magic - and by magic I really mean simple party tricks and slights of hand. Nothing to go home and tell mom about.

I started doing magic when I was no more than five. My Granddad sat me down and handed me a deck of cards and told me to shuffle them. At the time I had absolutely no idea what he had meant. He proceeded to show me the Riffle, the Card Spring, and the Sybil cut. Now in my five year old mind he was the fucking next coming at that point. Every day for the next ten years of my life he taught me magic tricks, he taught me with cards, coins, cups, and of course wallets. He always joked if college didn't work out for me that I could always be a thief. Saying I'm the sneakiest kid he'd ever met.

Sadly he passed away the first semester of my senior year at the ripe old age of 75. He had left the house to my mom along with all of his belongings, she was his only child. But what shocked us both, me and mom, was that he left his life savings, the first deck of cards he taught me with, and a note saying:

Dear Sarah,

If you're reading this then I must have finally kicked the bucket. The good ol' Lord is never the best at timing is he? But don't let my passin put a damper on you. You always had this glow of happiness around you, I wouldn't want to be the cause for your beautiful smile to disappear.

Now with that being said, I've left you with all the money I've made. I want you to put that money towards college, want you not to worry that pretty little head of yours about a thing. Money's hard to come by now'a days and I know you'll use it well.

And as for the deck of cards... well they just have sentimental value. I can still see the giant grin on your face when I showed you the Riffle. Lookin' back now, I think that's one of my favorite memories. Right next to the first time I held you in my arms. Your bight green eyes and curly top red hair. Lenore had just passed and holding you had almost made me a whole man again.

One day I hope you find a love like me and Lenore's. Loved her till her last dying breath, still love her. Hope you find a man who keeps you on your toes and is just as much of a smart ass as you are. Because you are such a special girl, Sarah. So special. Any man too stupid to realize it wasn't raised by a good momma.

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