She got her phone

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"Delia! Delia! Come down stairs! It's time for Laurie to open her presents!" My mother called from the bottom of our stairs. I sighed and quickly rub my hair dry with my towel, get dressed, and then ran down the stairs in my super hero pajamas. 

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I walked straight, past the kitchen and into the living room. "Let's make this quick," I said and pulled out my phone as I sit down on the couch, "I've got homework to do." 

My mom walked up, looked at me as I scroll through me Instagram feed, liking my bestie's selfies, and my mom pulled my phone out of my hands. "This is your sister's birthday. You're going to wait as long as this will take." She said as she sat done next to me. My sister, Laurie, walked in from the kitchen, her brown shoulder length hair bouncing in her face. 

"Hey, Laurie. Dad did come by today and left a present on the porch for you. Nobody asked him to get you one." my mom said, "I think he's been trying to say sorry for being a butthole to you guys."

"He doesn't have to buy stuff for us though. Dad should just say sorry." Laurie said as she sat down in the chair across from the couch my mom and I were sitting on. "Which one is his?" Mom and I both pointed at the poorly wrapped present in orange tissue paper. "I should have known."

On the coffee table, there were four presents, not including Dad's. I knew what they were, a phone, a laptop, a new book, and a new video game. It's her 13th birthday, so she was going to get more expensive things than any other birthday, since she's now a teenager. But what kills me is I'm 15 and I didn't get my phone until I was 14. Being the older kid with strict parents sucks, because the baby always gets things faster than when I got it.

Laurie opened the book first, then the video game, then the laptop and the phone. "Oh my goodness!" she said when she opens the phone and laptop, "This is the best! Thank you so much!" She jumped up and gave Mom a hug. 

"You better say thanks to your sister too. The laptop was her idea." Mom said and Laurie pulled away from Mom and gave me a hug as well.

"Yeah, yeah. You're welcome. I just got tired of you hogging my computer when I need to do homework." I hugged her back and then pushed her back. "Open Dad's present already! I don't know what it is, and it's killing me."

She picked up the small orange present from our Dad, the same one that left us for a 20 year old hooker. Inside the awful wrapping was a box with some old black shoes in them. "He probably found these at Goodwill because he's so freaking lazy," Laurie says as she picks them up, walks right over to the trash can, and shoved them in there where they belong. When she walked back, we could see there were tears in her eyes. "I cannot believe he forgot about my birthday."

"Hey, at least he got you something. He completely forgot I was even born for my last birthday," I said and my sister laughed. My mom kind of frowned at remembering the incident. "Dad kind of sucks. Let's just forget about him." I said to my sister with a smile. She smiled back, and I stood up and grabbed her phone off the coffee table.

"Hey, give that back!" Laurie said.

"Come with me little sis! I'll show you how this thing works!" I said as I ran up the stairs and into my room. She followed, and I showed her how to go into her settings and set her password (6758), change her background (she changed it to a sunset that I took a picture of on the way to play laser tag with my guy friends) and how to download apps such as Instagram, Pinterest, and Vine and get accounts for all of them.

"Thanks Delia!" Laurie said and gave me a hug. 

I nodded and said, "Of course. Now, just remember to be careful. I'll check on you every once in a while on your apps."

"Ha!" She said. "I won't be stupid, it's okay."

"Fine. But I'm following you anyway." And I ran down stairs, grabbed my phone from my mom, and followed her newest accounts. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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