He rejects you

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Warning- short imagine

'Y/n you should so ask out y/c.' Said y/f
'Noo' you relplied. 'But you like him and he obviously likes you' y/b/f said. 'He doesn't like me. But okay fine'
'Hey c/n' you called him over and your friends ran off. 'Hi y/n'
'Hey look errr, I wanted to tell you something' 'go ahead'
'Ok well look y/c, i love you so much and I know everyone says that it's meant to be the boy that confesses but I know you don't like me. But I just wanted you to know that I love yuh with all my heart. I can never get you off my mind. Will you be mine?'
'Sorry y/n. I just don't feel that way about you, friends?' He asked and tie mouth dropped open and you snapped back into reality after about 10 seconds
'Oh uuuhhhh, sure I mean yea yes okay goodbye see you later yeah okay bye hah lol bye now ' you ran off tears rolling down your cheeks. And you couldn't hold them back. You ran all the way home and ran up to your room. You buried your head into your pillow and cried your eyes out until there were No tears left.

-- the next day --

You arrived at school and you saw him. You opens your locker to hide your face as you started silently crying again. You felt a tap in your shoulder. 'Y/n?' You heard y/c say. 'What's wrong?' He asked. 'Nothing' you sniffled and continued 'go away' he pulled your shoulders towards him so you were facing him. He placed a hand on your burning red cheek, ' why are you crying' he asked worried which surprised you.
'I'm n-not crying' you stuttered. 'Yes you are. What's wrong please'
'Dbi' you said. (For those of you who don't know what Dbi is it means don't beg it) 'I'm not I just want you to be ok' he said which made your heart flutter. 'You don't care, you turned me down. Bet you thought it was funny' 'wait that wasn't a joke?' He asked. 'I was being serious' 'oh I thought it was a joke that's why I said no' 'I don't care anymore' you said looking down. 'Not even if I do this' he said. ' Do w..' You were cut of by a pair of warm lips hit yours. You were surprised at first but kissed back anyway. He pulled away and said ' I thought it was a dare. I love you to dumbass. I never thought that you would ask me out because I thought you didn't like me.' 'Why wouldn't I like you.' 'Because' he ended it on that and pulled you into a hug as you buried your head into his chest and he wrapped his arms around you.
A/n-- sooo??? What'd ya think? My second imaginneee.

Bye for now !!

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