1. I am Shonda

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Jacob coughed loudly, then looked me in the eye. He took my hand slowly in his and smiled his bright white sparkly teeth up at me. "I'm dying slowly Monkey". He said managing to laugh alittle. Stupid Cancer, why did you have to take away my only FRIEND, and family from this world so soon.

" There's something I want you to promise me my little Monkey...oh don't cry, you make me want to cry whenever those sparkly brown eyes of yours become wet with sad tears". His voice was getting hoarser as he spoke, yet he continued to speak knowing very well that he had little time left in this world.

"Promise me you'll take care of my nine sons... Take this package, it had everything I want you to do in it". He shakily hand me the huge orange package that I'd earlier seen laying on the bed by his side. "My boys needs you, they don't know it but they do. Shonda I know me leaving so soon is a sad event for you, but this is life, nothing ever goes your way unless you're really lucky..." He paused to kiss my forehead, the familiar feeling of his icy cold lips against my skin doesn't fail to make me tremble inside. "Say it". He whispered into my ear. "I Shonda Clemente promise to take extremely good care of Jacob Punks nine little Punks". I said with a teary smile. He smiled his broad proud smile at me for the last time in this entire world. "Take care my little Monkey, tell those Punks that I lo---" Slowly his eyes closed, his mouth still left agape. And those were the last words of my best friend Jacob Punks, the man who sheltered me from the harsh world.

Trees zoomed by me, as Elvis Jacob's personal Butler drove rather fast past the dark and gloomy forest. I haven't even met those little Punks yet and I already have an bad impression of them. They've failed the test as loyal kids of Jacob Punks by not attending his funeral, not even one appeared for even a slight second.

"We're here Madame". Chirped Elvis, eyeing me through the rearview mirror. He gave me a playful smile, before opening my side of the car. With a bow he said, "I trust in you, be strong". What must I be strong about, it's those little Punks that needs to be strong for the entrance of Shonda Clemente.

With my chin held high, I piped up all of my courage that I've developed over the years of training with Jacob, and walked confidently towards the large gloomy looking mansion.

My I feel sorry for the boys who reside in here, this Mansion spells pure SADNESS. Elvis pushed the door opened slowly; I was greeted by a swarm of dust falling from the door frames before my feet. Talk about luck, I'd be a dusty old thing right now if I was much closer to that door.

Laughter could be heard somewhere on the second floor of this house, I'm guessing this wasn't just any natural dust falling coincidence. One of those boys obviously did this, and I'm gonna find out who once I've stunned their troublesome asses.

"That look spells trouble Madame". Said Elvis taking my luggage's further inside the house. I've known him as long as I've known Jacob so you could say he's like an uncle to me whilst Jacob was like my father, after all they were all that I had back then when I was abandoned on the streets all alone. An hungry ten year old roaming the wet and muddy streets for scraps that she can eat for her feast of the week, my past experience has taught me a lot indeed.

Twirling the whistle that Jacob had given me before he passed on my necklace, both Elvis and I looked at each other knowingly then Whoooo!!! The whistle sounded throughout the entire house, it was like a loud train about to crash. "Wow, this thing really does work!" I gasped staring at it with disbelief. Elvis nod in agreement.

Footsteps were heard stumbling and stomping down the glassy staircase. One by one a Punks kid appeared staring questioningly at both Elvis and I. Once I was sure they were all in my presence I began my speech.

"I am Shonda, your new guardian. If you do not believe my words see for yourselves". On que Elvis clicked the remote control. Everyone watched silently as the fireplace slowly turned around revealing a large white flat screen TV. Sitting in his office on the screen was the one and only Jacob Punks. Everyone watched in silence as he spoke.

"Ah, My nine Punks must really be surprised and confused about now eh. As you can see though,standing before you is the beautiful Shonda Clemente, I've given her the majority of my inheritance which means the house and almost every business I own belongs to her, Hi Shonda!" He waved at me, well at least I think it's me. I waved back, struggling not to break out in tears. "Be good to her please boys". With that said the screen went blank. The boys all turned to me with grimmed expressions.

"What gives you the right to enter our house?" Said the one whom I think is the oldest Richard bitterly. I returned his bitter words with a broad smile like his father's. "I own this house now". As bitter as I can be I responded with much more harshness. They wanna be rude, then Shonda will play along, I am after all in their age group as well.

"Elvis?!" Knowing exactly what I needed, Elvis hand me the package in which I've never once opened until now. The air was filled with intense, and bitterness as I slowly ripped the package open. My eyes brightened at the sight before me. Whomever the first son is is a master at being sexy, the way his cheekbones are aligned so perfectly with those dimples when he smiles goodness gracious. "Richard?!"

"That's me!" Stepping forward from the far back of the group of guys, he looked even more handsome in reality than he did in this picture. "Edwin". I eyed the picture with raised brows. Big binocular looking glasses, red freckles, and extremely small dark brown eyes, the second son wasn't a good sight to see unlike his older brother.

"T-that's me!" Goodness, he stutters too. Does this guy have nothing attractive about him, maybe he's smart, some ladies love that. "Jonas?!" I looked down at the picture with complete admiration. This kid can make it as an model indeed. Long black silky hair to the shoulders, broad manly built shoulders, and those pink plumy lips! I was literally drooling at his picture. I'm so keeping this.

I look up at the the group of boys realizing there was no answer. "He doesn't talk much, but I'm James the fourth son you and I can talk in secret after this". Exclaim the long hair blonde. Great they've got a flirt in here as well. This is gonna be a long year. With a loud sigh I continued to call them each out one by one. All I've got to say is that my best friend has gotten some rather strange boys.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2016 ⏰

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