Chapter two

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'Alright guys!' Miss Grey, my music teacher, shouted over the noise of the students. We were in a coach on the way to Central Park. The teachers had told us that we would be having the day out before going to the hotel, which was slightly irritating as my phone was completely out of battery. We had been told barely anything about the two week trip apart from the location; or maybe the rest of them had and it was just that my parents hadn't told me. The complete mystery both excited and scared me as I'd never been to New York. I looked out of the window in wonder as we approached the park.

Soon enough the coach was parked and all of us flooded the pavement. I quickly wove through the crowd and grabbed my guitar case out of the compartment under the bus. I couldn't go anywhere without it. The ten members of staff lead us to a big field surrounded by trees with a scattering of people sitting on picnic blankets. 'Ok kids, gather round and I'll tell you the plan for today!' Miss Grey called, 'most of today we will spend in Central Park. Now I know most of you are jet lagged and tired but we're not allowed into our rooms in the hotel until later so unfortunately we can't sleep until then. But in the meantime you can explore or have a nap or anything but there will be a register here at 6:00 and we will leave for the hotel as soon as we have everyone. Okay?' Everyone nodded. 'Good, now everyone take a map of the park, just to be safe.'

I wandered to miss Grey, took a map and examined it carefully. I decided to go a lake relatively nearby, so I picked up my guitar and started to walk towards it. I plugged myself into my slightly old and battered iPod but my music was quickly interrupted;

'Hey!' A familiar voice called from behind me.

'What do you want, Linton?' I asked monotonously, without even having to turn around.

'I thought we could have a chat about which century you're living in because no one actually uses iPods anymore.'

... Was he being serious? God I can't believe this guy...

'If I throw a stick, will you leave?' I asked, turning around.

Tom looked a bit surprised but then smirked (as always) and chuckled.

'Wow, love, you really need to loosen up a bit.' He said patronisingly.

'Jeez I literally cannot stand you.' And I turned on my heel and stalked into a bunch of trees ahead of me.

'Hey I love your accent! Are you British?' A random girl around our age asked Tom.

'Yup' I heard him say and I turned to see him winking at her.

Classic Linton.


'Do you think I was too mean? She looked really pissed' I asked Matt, my best friend.

'Honestly dude, I don't know why you're so freaked by this, I mean you hate Jenn.'

'Well, I wouldn't say hate...' Matt raised an eyebrow, 'look mate, I really feel like I should apologise.'

'Don't be a pussy. She'll get over it.' Matt said, slapping my back. Hard. Did he always have to do that? Apparently yes.

I slowly got up. "I'm going to find somewhere... Um... To piss?" I lied lamely. I'm literally the crappiest lier but Matt just frowned at me then nodded.

Then I headed off towards the patch of trees Jenn had entered half an hour before. 

After wandering for a good fifteen minutes I found her sitting on a rock by a lake, her blond hair messily gathered into a bun on the top of her head. She had her headphones in (like always) and was intently watching the way the sunlight played on the water. She seemed careless although I could practically feel the waves of loathing towards me rippling off her.

I wanted to talk to her but I didn't want her to be angry at me (which was inevitable) so I just sat down and watched her watching the water.

As if she sensed me, she turned and looked at me. At first she seemed surprised at seeing me but she quickly schooled her features into an icy glare.  

"Jeez, for the last time today, Linton. What. Do. You. Freaking. Want?"


A/N I'm in New York right now and it's so freaking surreal ahh!! Happy summer you guys :)

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