I Hate You, Zachary

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Chapter 21

(Seana's POV)

A pair of hands covered my eyes as I struggled angrily. The hands wasn't grasp onto me hard so I could pull the wimp hands off me. "Zachary?!" I screamed as the look on his face was priceless. It was a mixture of happiness, shock and just dumbness. I giggled as Zachary tried to run. "Up up up! No running till you get what you deserve!" I said as if I was a elementary teacher as I nudged his arm playfully. "Ouch! That's hurts!" he wined as I gave him my deadly glare. I inched near him as he waited with bated breath. "Good!" I shrieked as Zachary grumbled angrily. I'm really angry with him for sneaking up at me, especially when he knows I'm scared of sudden scares and he knows I also afraid of clowns. The word clown made me shudder as Zachary gave me his puppy eyes. Well, I know that he loves scaring people and then I thought how even we became best friends...

(During My ChildHood)

(Narrator's POV)

Seana skipped to school as she swayed her brown pony tail which was made delicately by her loving mother who already... Nevermind about that. Zachary trudged to the school gates as he ate a chocolate bar. Seana and Zachary was once enemies, but because of an accidental mistake, they become best friends.

~A Few Years Later~

Seana gritted her teeth as Zachary ate his chocolate bar. "When will you stop eating that?!" Seana screamed, obviously annoyed. "Why don't you not be with me so you will stop complaining!" Zachary yelled back with sticky pieces of chocolate in his mouth. "Well, you know that if it wasn't for the A I wanted for my history project, I wouldn't be eating with you!" she screamed again as he ignored her. She gave Zachary a punch on the back which made Zachary drop the chocolate bar.

~Author's Note~Again and again

I know that I can't update regularly so I'm so sorry. Thanks for reading my book! Without u guys, I would have never got 300+ reads! Thanks!

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