Part One

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There was nights, though ever rare, where she did not feel the cold, or hear the wind, or see the violent storm around her. Seeing, perhaps, only her own terrible flaws and mistakes, only knowing that scared, helpless little girl, who had lost everything. She did not see, though that was all those around could, her own strength or power, but only the weakness that ate her apart inside. Alone she lay down, though trying so hard to reach higher, under a deep, clear, violet sky, where stars twinkled as if they knew something that no one else could. Alone, but free, high in a tree, its white bark that almost seemed to glimmer in the moonlight of two moons that danced in the sky, though they were never able to dance together. Thick, smooth, ebony hair curled and violently whipped in the wind, a flag signaling defeat. Piercing green-yellow eyes stared into the night, looking as though they were empty, as if they had never felt any true emotion, but pain. Closing, ever so briefly, before they flickered open to reveal a shimmering tear. It carved a path of hardship and sorrow down her face, regret for all things lost. A crystal clear orb that rested, trembling, on a hard, tensed up chin, as it paused, almost as if waiting for something, before falling, suddenly, from her face. It rapidly descended past the interwoven branches that carved entrancing pictures in the air, past the rough white bark of the tree. Falling far from the girl in the tree. Alone, she showed weakness that no one else saw. Alone the girl laid. Alone, the girl prayed. Alone high above everyone else.


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