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** Sorry, for a few Chapters it'll be Chapters of the times that meant a lot to her through song. **


"Come on Jake, just try stunning me one more time," I said.

Right now, I was training Jake in nonverbal defensive spells. Considering during our sixth year he was horrid at them.

"I promise it won't hurt," I said.

"Okay," he said hesitantly.

Jake lifted his wand and sighed. I felt my body fly back and into a clearing. I stood up and smiled.

"Great job, didn't see it coming," I giggled. "You're getting better Jake."

"Well, I do have a smart girl helping me," Jake smirked.

"Hey, I'm smart too," Hermione frowned.

"Yes you are, but you're not the most patient when it comes to this Mi," Jake chuckled.

Hermione rolled her eyes but kindly smiled.

"Two more spells and then we can take a break maybe relax by the creek," I said. "I'll show you my cool water skills."

"Kiana, let me use the locket, I see you cringing," Harry said.

I took the locket off my neck and tossed it to him, which he caught.

"Ready Jake William," I asked.

Jake nodded and lifted his wand. I felt my leg being lifted up and I flipped upside down.

"Oh, take a leaf from the Prince huh," I smirked.

I pointed to Jake. Levicorpus. Jake's body in turn hung upside down and we both placed the reverse spell on each other.

"Maybe we can go for a break now; I think I'll mess around with your guitar while you play with the water," Jake snickered.

I rolled my eyes but nodded. I grabbed my Protector book and songbook and followed Jake as we walked a little far from the camp to the creek. Jake sat comfortably on the tree and I tossed him my songbook. He playfully strummed the guitar and with magic flipped through my songbook. With my water element, I made the shape of a water lily and had it float over Jake.

"Don't drop that on me please," he frowned.

I brought my water lily back to the water and hopped onto the branch and sat besides Jake.

"You've wrote me a song huh," Jake smirked. "I knew you loved me."

"Well, you did save me from social embarrassment our first year in the castle you ninny," I snickered.

"You just tripped," he scoffed.

I chuckled.

"Social embarrassment," I sighed.

"Well. Can I hear my song or not?" Jake asked.

I rolled my eyes.

"If I must dear Jacob," I said.

Jake ruffled my hair and smirked.

"Now please," he said.

He handed me my guitar and I began strumming my guitar.

Everybody needs inspiration
Everybody needs a song
A beautiful melody
When the nights are long

Cause there is no guarantee
That this life is easy

And when my world is falling apart
When there's no light to break up the dark
That's when I - I - I look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I - I - I look at you

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