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The Next morning Jin drove me to the offices. I go to my office and start decorating it since u haven't had the chance. As I was decorated I found a gift under my desk. I pick it up it was actually for me. I opened the box to find a stuffed cat instantly I knew it was from Jin. I go out of my office and sneak up on Jin I look over at his computer I picked the right time to do this. He was playing FNAF 4 already clutching Muffin. I go up behind him and yell "BOO!" He was so scared he fell out of his seat onto the ground. He looked up at me and blushed " why?" He asked. "Because" I mocked. He got back on his chair and continued recording as I left heading back to my office. Then Max stops me. "What do you want?"  I ask Max " So do you..like...LIKE Jin?" He asked me. I looked at him like he was crazy "NO" I say rolling my eyes. "Sure" he says back " I'm telling Adam he says running in the direction of Adams office. I continue to walk back to my office going in shutting the door. I sit on my chair hugging Muffin after awhile I start talking to it telling it my deep personal secrets " Muffin" I start " don't tell anyone I like Jin ok" I say knowing the stuffed animal wasn't going to respond. I hear my office door open as Adam comes inside. He comes up to me snatching Muffin away from me as he runs out of the office as I chase him. The whole afternoon went on like this till Jin took Muffin out of Adams hands and placed it on my lap.
Later me, Jin, Adam, Ross, and Jess play try not to laugh. The thing that made me crack up the most was when Jess read a story based off of Twilight it was hilarious I also liked when Adam ended a story he wrote with some one yelling "  WHO LIKE MINECRAF" when Adam said it I almost fell out of my chair!
Later we left the offices. Jin let me ride with him but I could tell we weren't going home he was driving else were. 

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