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"I can't take this anymore." said Rainer. "O-ouch my back hurts a lot." said Tiffamae. "He's mean!" said Rainer. "Of course he is mean, duh he is a betch!" said matthew. "shhh guys quiet. Someone about to open the basement!" Vanessa is actually the one who's about to open the basement. When Vanessa opened it, everyone got shocked and their jaws just dropped. "V-vanessa is that you?! OMG!" said Joyce. "Vanessa?" Said Annele. "Vanessa you're alive!" said Matthew. But then Vanessa didn't care at all. She just stared at them and then locked the basement. "Vanessa nooooo!" said Harvey. "Vanessa we are your friends! please let us out!" Said Althea. "Guys! I can't believe she's alive." said Annele. "Me too." Said Rainer. "Maybe when car fell, she jumped out to the waters and was able to swim." Said Tiffmae. "Or maybe the girl's soul went in Vanessa's soul." Said Daniela. "Omg yes I know right?" Said Joyce. After few hours, everyone of them is asleep except for Daniela. Daniela heard weird noises at the side. Daniela stood up and quietly checked it, and she found a picture of a young girl. "This girl looks like Tiffamae." she whispered. She is confused on why she saw a picture that looks like Tiffamae. She opened the chest and a saw a letter.

"Hi I'm Emily. My husband's name is Robert and my daughter's name is Anabelle. I killed myself because no one wants to be my friend. Everyone hated me because I killed my bestfriend's grandson. After I killed my self, my husband killed himself too followed by my granddaughter. Our mission is to renew our life by killing whoever comes into my house which is my cabin. I will kill three of them in-order to renew my life. And once that's done, my life will be new and everyone will start to like me."

After Daniela read the letter, he quickly went back to his friends and woke them up. Daniela told her friends about the letter. Matthew started to cry because he knew Emily is the bestfriend of his grandmother. "Guys I don't wanna die." Said Matthew. "Well the letter didn't say that he will kil you." Said Daniela. Then suddenly the door opened and took Tiffmae. "AHHH!!! leave me alone!" Said Tiffamae. "Leave her alone betch!" Said Matthew. Tiffamae was taken away. After 50 minutes, the man came back again and took Rainer. "No! please no!" Said Rainer. After 20 minutes, the friends noticed the door is opened. Everyone slowly tried to escape until all the friends saw something terrible. They saw Tiffamae and Rainer laying in a table. Vanessa killed Rainer using a butcher knife. Then The man ate Rainer and sipped his blood. Followed by Tiffamae, Tiffamae was killed using a butcher knife and Emily placed Tiffamae's blood in a bottle. After that, the man caught us trying to escape. The placed us back to the basement again and they went off. They went to the cemetary to give the blood to their granddaughter and finally her granddaughter lived. The 8 friends started crying and didn't know what to do. Until one thought of killing the man, the girl and there granddaughter.

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