Im sorry Jess

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hey guys

sorry that i ahvent uploaded in absalutly ages its just i have been busy with school and my dorm mates who i love to bits btw. these next chappies are more actiony kinda, but there is still like romance in it aswell.

can you comment on it and tell me what you think  XD

love you lots like jelly totts


PS i now have over 150 reads im so hapy XD XD XD  you guys should really check out my freinds story its called looking for livi by ellierose13


My eyes opened to complete and utter darkness, pitch blackness. I couldn’t make out anything, even with my enhanced eyesight.

Was this death? I thought that death was painless, carefree nothing to bother you. Everyone knew that was how death was it was just common knowledge. Well who ever started off that rumour didn’t know what shit they where bringing the world into.

My throat felt like someone had cut it open and poured corrosive acid inside. Weirdly my wrists felt exactly the same. The pain was just torturous. it made it so hard for me to think.

i moaned and tried to sit up. but my head only went afew centimeters before it was yanked back down, to the smooth surface of ........

Wait what was i tied to? I groped around trying to see if there was any markings on whatever this was to identiy it with.

Nope nothing. I growled in frustration. Then it hit.

Jess was dead. I watched her get shot by Will. The man who I had trusted all my life. He had been my second father when my dad died. The only peron in the world who knew all of my secrets.

The one who had killed the best thing in my life.

my mind seemed to curl in on itself as greif overwashed me. Tears washed down my cheeks. My heart was torn in two. the wounds bloody and bruised. They where never going to heal. Every day was going to be an endless tourture knowing that i would never see my jess again, my other half to my whole.

The tears where a relentless torrent. Falling from my unopened eyes into my matted hair. Every touch, sight, smell and her voice where coming through me in waves of pain and guilt. It was my fault that she was dead. It was me that had begged that i go to that damm wretch of a school. who whad befriended jess. And who had her killed while protecting me.

Then a flicker of something a warm blast of coming home a presance that filled me up

A glimer of hope shine through my blanket of greif

And then a wisper, just the faintest murmer of my name

'Seph?' came a voice that i thought i would never hear again. 


sorry its so short i ahd writers block and i couldnt get any further if you ahve any ideas on how to improve it plz plz tell me


love you all lots like jelly totts


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