One Direction Interview - Bliss Magazine

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Whose call did you last cancel?
Louis: The last phone call I cancelled was from Niall because I have this feature on my phone where you have the option to reject with a text. So I can click reject and it says 'reason why' so you can say 'I'm driving'.
Niall: It was so funny.
Louis: So I was just trying out the different ones - Niall kept ringing and I kept going 'I'm driving', 'I'm in a meeting'.
Niall: When he text me 'I'm driving' I was like what are you on about?
Louis: It's really good though, you can personalise it so if someone rings you can just say, 'Go away!' or 'You smell of poo!'

Who's the most famous person in your phonebook?
Niall: The JLS boys and the McFly boys. The boybanders, basically.
Liam: Mine at the moment is probably Tom from McFly.
Zayn: I don't have that many famous friends so Aiden Grimshaw.
Harry: The head of Nokia. Er...
Niall: [To Bliss] You.
Harry: Yeah, you.

What's the most girls numbers you've got in a night?
Liam: I'm not the best at this one. I got one, one night. That was good. Early on as well, I got in there early.
Zayn: A gentleman never tells.
Liam: Or a gentleman doesn't do it! Huh? How about that one? HMMMM!
Zayn: Er, did you just say you did it and you weren't very good at it?!
Niall: 26 and a half.
Interviewer: And a half?!
Niall: Yeah, I missed the last four digits.
Harry: One.
Interviewer: One? Really? And the truthful answer is...?
Harry: Three [Louis cracks up laughing]
Niall: Three.
Louis: Yeah, three.
Harry: Louis just leaves a bowl on the table and they just drop them in as they pass.
Niall: When he was 15 he was getting business cards.

Have you ever done a drink-dial?
Liam: I'm a one-kidney man. I don't drink.
Niall: Too many wine gums, man!
Zayn: Never... Nope...
Louis: Always. I sometimes call you [to Harry]. I kind of like the idea of being a little bit... and then calling someone and being like 'Harrrrrrrrrrry!' Like at concerts so they can hear the band.
Harry: I'm underage so I don't drink.

Has anyone ever kept calling/texting and not taken the hint that you're not really interested?
Zayn: Yup. Mentioning no names...
Harry: Yeah.
Liam: I think it happens to everyone at some point.
Niall: Every text you get, don't even look!
Liam: Or you change your number.
Interviewer: Have you ever had to do that?
Liam: It's been done...
Interviewer: Do you ever feel guilty and try friendly banter but they then take it as marriage banter?
Louis: I'm a flirty person even to people I don't fancy that much, and especially when you have banter it can be taken as quite flirtatious sometimes, so it's a difficult one if they take it the wrong way. Awkwarrrrrrrd. I wouldn't just stop texting them though, that's a bit mean.
Interviewer: So you'd let them down gently?
Louis: I'd just try and stop texting them a little bit more everyday.
Harry: Yeah, and make the texts a bit more friendly, less flirty, back off a little.
Louis: Yeah, cut the banter.
Interviewer: So you'd end it 'Regards, Louis'?
Louis: Yeah. And no kiss.

Have you ever booty called anyone?
Harry: Boot...
Louis: Define 'booty called'. [Bliss awkwardly explains] Think we're a bit young for that...
Liam: Err...
Harry: These questions are, erm, a bit... inappropriate.

Have you ever taken a fan's number?
Niall: Well...
Harry: We just contact them on Twitter.
Zayn: There's something a bit too personal about it. Crossing a barrier.
Liam: I just think it would be a bit unfair on fans if we were to call one fan and not another one .

With girls, do you text straight back or do you make them sweat a bit?
Harry: If you get a text and you want to reply, you reply. It annoys me when people play games.
Liam: I'm not so good at the hard to get type of things. If i like someone, I like them.
Louis: Sometimes I do want to play hard to get but I'm rubbish at it.

What pics do you have on your phone?
Liam: I've actually got a picture of a sheep. A weird looking sheep!
Harry: I have a picture of me and my mum as my background.
Louis: What a cool guy...
Zayn: I don't really take pictures on my phone. Even my background is a standard default one.
Louis: Usually we take loads of photos of each other sleeping - normally Harry. Not as my background though. I have a picture of me and my best mate Stan.
Niall: I have some football ones, then I have the Olympic torch, me and my friend... [We sit for a while as Niall shows us all his photos]

One Direction Interview - Bliss MagazineWhere stories live. Discover now